Awesome Gluten-Free French Onion Soup Recipe (2024)

Last Updated: By Linnie Leave a Comment

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Gluten-free French Onion Soup made with just 5 ingredients to make your tummy cozy and happy. This classic soup du jour is a delicious addition to your week.

(Gluten-Free, Low-Sugar, Nut-Free, Low-Carb and Dairy-Free friendly)

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Awesome Gluten-Free French Onion Soup Recipe (1)

I’m sitting here right now with my patio door open. It’s a ‘warm’ 40 degrees outside and by golly I need some fresh air!

To say I am ready for spring weather is an absolute understatement. I can’t help but keep reminding myself that once we move to Ireland this ‘warm’ weather here is going to be the normal during the winter. I AM SO READY!

For now, I’ll have to put up with staying under with a warm blanket with a big bowl of French Onion Soup.

French Onion soup has been a long-time favorite of mine before my diagnosis. Then I was paging through my grandma’s old recipe book and I saw this recipe.

Ooooo yessss. It was cold and I had the five easy ingredients needed!

  • Onions
  • Broth
  • Red Wine
  • Gluten-Free bread
  • Cheese

That is all you need. Got these on hand? Make it today!

Awesome Gluten-Free French Onion Soup Recipe (2)The truth is, I’m not a huge soup person. I hardly ever eat it during the summer months.

I love our vegetarian wild rice soup during the Fall and our best chili ever recipe multiple times during the Winter. But overall, soups are not my go-tos for dinner.

But this French Onion Soup is another story. The warm and comforting broth soothes and warms you and then the ooey gooey goodness broiled on the top brings it home.

Bread and cheese with warm broth? It’s simply amazing.

TIP: I didn’t fully caramelize my onions like MOST traditional recipes call for. Truthfully, I didn’t want to sit there at the stove waiting for 30 minutes. So instead I lightly cooked them until translucent and tender. Poured in the rest and then simmered for 2-3 hours. To me it got the same result. Do as you wish.

I’ve used gluten-free bagels or gluten-free baguettes for our ‘bread croutons’.

Awesome Gluten-Free French Onion Soup Recipe (3)

Simply pop them onto the top of your French Onion soup, slather some (ok a lot) of cheese on top and broil on high.

TIP: Make sure you keep an eye on the cheese while broiling! Do not walk away.. You will forget about it. Speaking from experience.

I always seem to burn things when broiling. The other day I was toasting a bagel and kept smelling something before I realized what it was. It was a VERY toasted bagel. Oops. Don’t be me.

But on the other hand, do. By making this French Onion Soup and embracing the gluten-free soup du jour goodness. We can both sip and devour this soup and wish for Winter to go away. But for now. We’ve got this soup to keep us cozy.

Awesome Gluten-Free French Onion Soup Recipe (4)

check out just how easy this is to make!

Gluten-Free French Onion Soup Recipe


Gluten-Free, Low-Sugar, Nut-Free, Low-Carb, Dairy-Free


Gluten-free French Onion Soup made with just 5 ingredients to make your tummy cozy and happy. This classic soup du jour is a delicious addition to your week.

Yield: 8

Prep Time:15 min

Cook Time:180 min

Total Time:195 min


  • 1 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 cups sliced white onion
  • 8 cups beef broth(or vegetable broth for vegetarian.)
  • 3/4 cup red wine
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 gluten-free baguette, sliced
  • 3 cups shredded cheddar cheese or dairy-free cheese alternative


  • 1. In a large soup pot over medium heat, add olive oil and onions. Sauté onions until tender and translucent.
  • 2. Stir in beef broth, red wine, and black pepper. Turn down heat down to simmer. Cover soup and simmer for 2-3 hours.
  • 3. Turn oven broil on High.
  • 4. Spoon soup into oven safe bowl. Top with baguette slices and then sprinkle with cheese.
  • 5. Broil 5-8 minutes, or until cheese is melted and begins to brown.
  • 6. Enjoy Immediately.

Author: Linnie

Recipe Video:

Nutrition Information:

Serving size: 1
Calories: 269
Other nutrition information: Total Fat: 16g, Saturated Fat: 9.2g, Cholesterol: 44mg, Sodium: 688 mg, Potassium: 183mg, Total Carb: 12g, Dietary Fiber: 1.6g, Sugars: 3.8g, Protein: 16.2g

Recipe, images, and text © Veggie Balance

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Awesome Gluten-Free French Onion Soup Recipe (2024)


How do you deepen the flavor of French onion soup? ›

A few sprigs of thyme and a bay leaf elevate the soup even more, but I take it a step further, adding a splash of fish sauce for complexity and depth—don't worry, it won't taste fishy—and a hit of cider vinegar to balance some of that oniony sweetness.

Can you buy gluten-free French onion soup mix? ›

MAGGI Gluten Free French Onion Soup Mix is a free flowing powder that when prepared produces a timeless classic. Achieving sophisticated rich onion flavors in minutes.

Is Great Value French onion soup gluten-free? ›

Product details

Our Great Value Condensed French Onion Soup with Beef Stock is the perfect ingredient to help you create your favorite family dinners. This delicious soup is gluten-free, low fat, and contains no artificial flavors.

Why do you put baking soda in French onion soup? ›

The caramelized onions for this soup cook more quickly due to a pinch of baking soda but still have that deep, slow-cooked flavor. Topping the soup with hot, cheesy toasts prepared while the soup simmers, eliminates the need to bake the soup in specialty French onion soup bowls.

What to add to bland French onion soup? ›

I found that the addition of Balsamic vinegar and Worcestershire to be an essential layer of flavor to really give the broth the depth that it needs. Some French Onion soup recipes call for white wine, others red.

What can I add to soup for depth of flavor? ›

Foods that have a great deal of acidity, like lemon juice, vinegar, white wine, and tomato puree, can help liven up the flavor of bland-tasting bone and other broths. "The acidity of these ingredients works to complement and enhance the broth's flavors, not mask it.

What is the best gluten-free flour for soup? ›

White rice flour: fine wheat substitute

Made from finely milled white rice, rice flour is a great substitute for wheat flour. It works very well as a thickening agent because it prevents liquid separation – it is particularly good for soups, gravies and sauces but can also work for cakes, cookies and crackers.

What is a gluten-free thickener for soup? ›

Arrowroot starch works in these sorts of dishes, too. Some sauces are thickened by starting with a “roux” (a butter + flour mixture), traditionally made with wheat flour. White rice or sweet rice flour is a perfectly good substitute.

Will gluten-free flour thicken soup? ›

If you don't have cornstarch handy, flour is a similar alternative that can be used to thicken soup (for a gluten-free option, you can also use arrowroot flour).

Which brand of French onion soup is gluten-free? ›

MAGGI Gluten Free French Onion Soup Mix is a timeless classic to add to any menu.

What canned French onion soup is gluten-free? ›

Progresso Vegetable Classics, French Onion Canned Soup, Gluten Free, 18.5 oz.

Does yeast extract have gluten? ›

Yeast extract and autolyzed yeast extract may contain gluten from barley. Manufacturers are not required to disclose the source of yeast extract on the ingredients label, so you should only use yeast extract that is labeled gluten-free or confirmed gluten-free by the manufacturer.

Why do you put lemon juice in soup? ›

In this case, however, the lemon provides more of a flavor undertone that enhances other seasonings like thyme, parsley, and turmeric. According to trained chef Leetal Arazi, who spoke with Real Simple, you can bring a "zesty flavor" to your soup simply by adding lemon.

Why do people put lemon in soup? ›

Lemons are a chicken soup game changer. Why? They brighten up and balance the salty, rich flavors of the dish, and make all of the ingredients come into line.

Why do French people eat French onion soup? ›

The Onion Soup, a traditional and warming dish

It has even become a trendy dish that tourists are eager to try to experience French gastronomy. However, onion soup is in fact not part of French people's daily meals. It was originally meant to be eaten after a family reunion in the middle of the night to cure hangovers

How to doctor up canned French onion soup? ›

Infusing the soup with a richer taste is as easy as quickly sauteing crushed garlic before pouring the soup in. Some soft, buttery garlic sauteed in earthy olive oil is the perfect addition to enrich canned French onion soup.

How do you get the depth of flavor in vegetable soup? ›

A squeeze of citrus, a dollop of yogurt or a drizzle of cream, a dusting of cheese or a good chile powder, a sprinkling of some herbs or croutons — all can take a perfectly fine soup into the realm of the delectable. Even a spiral of good olive oil to finish and some coarse sea salt can do wonders.

Why do you add flour to French onion soup? ›

Onion soup, at its very essence, is nothing more than onions and water boiled together. Period, done, finished, everything added from that point on is pure opinion. Caramelizing the onions brings out sugars, and makes a more luxurious silky and sweet soup, adding flour gently thickens and provides body.


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.