We asked 6 interior designers for their favorite bathroom remodels – these are the fabulous projects they picked (2024)

It's potentially the trickiest question you ask an interior designer - what's the best project you've worked on? But selfishly it's how you get the best of the best design inspiration. So we naturally had to ask some of our favorites for their most memorable bathroom remodels. And their answers of course did not disappoint.

Bathrooms are some of the most glorious spaces to redesign, the colors, the textures, the materials, can be so exciting and luxurious, it's so amazing what's available right now and what designers are doing with these once pretty blah spaces. Despite being one of the, if not the, most practical rooms in the home, they can also be the most beautiful, as all these designer bathroom remodels prove.

1. Thomas Griem, founder of TG Studio

We asked 6 interior designers for their favorite bathroom remodels – these are the fabulous projects they picked (1)

(Image credit: Philip Vile)

‘This house is in the mountains where bright snow dominates in winter, so we created a dark, layered mood to contrast,’ says architect Thomas Griem, founder, TG Studio, who worked with architectural assistant Marco Siviglia on the project. ‘The secret to pulling off a monochromatic look is to add shapes and textures: here, the rectangular vanity unit combines with curves in the mirrors. The vanity’s smooth stained oak frame contrasts with the textured granite top and plaster walls.'

2. Charlotte and Angus Buchanan, founders of Buchanan Studio

(Image credit: Alexander James)

'This is our primary bathroom at home in London featuring two internal “cabins”: one houses a walk-in shower, the other a loo. We wanted to reinvent the Edwardian elegance of the room, restoring the floorboards and elevating the fireplace with marble.' explains Charlotte and Angus Buchanan, founders of Buchanan Studio.

'We also wanted to bring in other reclaimed elements to enhance the architecture and added salvaged doors to the shower and put a roll-top bath in the middle of the room. The idea was to recreate the feeling of an English country-house hotel – a moment of calm away from the business of London, work, family life and our crazy dog.'

3. Nicole Salvesen and Mary Graham, founders of Salvesen Graham

(Image credit: Simon Brown)

'In this project, a bedroom was reinvented into a large and generous principal bathroom. We added our Floral Trail Delicate wallpaper, which is part of the Salvesen Graham Collection. It makes the bathroom seem busier but we then offset the pattern and colour with a masculine bold-veined marble in the shower enclosure, around the vanity, and under the bath,' explains Nicole Salvesen and Mary Graham, founders of Salvesen Graham. 'Out of picture are some bespoke bathroom curtains by Colefax and Fowler. In essence, we like to design bathrooms to be another room to spend time in.'

4. Tom Bartlett, founder of Waldo Works

We asked 6 interior designers for their favorite bathroom remodels – these are the fabulous projects they picked (4)

(Image credit: Waldo Works)

'This room was for a friend, Melinda Stevens who is director of travel platform Loupe. The walls of the room are paneled so they can hide wardrobes. The color is derived from the bath surround: it’s an acrylic product called Parapan which comes in limited colors. We loved this one and used it throughout. The fireplace, recessed into the paneling, is in a matte Breccia Rosado. It’s now quite ubiquitous, so we don’t use it much any more, but looking at this again it reminds me how nice it is.' says Tom Bartlett founder of Waldo Works.

5. Steven Gambrel founder of SR Gambrel

We asked 6 interior designers for their favorite bathroom remodels – these are the fabulous projects they picked (5)

(Image credit: Eric Piasecki)

Renowned for his sophisticated designs, Steven Gambrel, founder and president, SR Gambrel, hand-picked the blocks of Breccia Capraia marble for this principal bathroom.

‘Phil Liederbach, of Liederbach & Graham Architects, and I chalked out what we needed on the walls inside the quarry,’ he recalls. ‘The dramatic veining of the stone creates high impact, while its myriad soft grey hues introduce a quiet depth. Phil’s beautifully proportioned architectural detailing frames nature perfectly.’ he explains.

6. Lucy Barlow, co-founder of Barlow & Barlow

We asked 6 interior designers for their favorite bathroom remodels – these are the fabulous projects they picked (6)

(Image credit: Jonathan Bond)

‘As this is a small bathroom, we decided to create an architectural design to make it feel uncluttered, so we formed the vanity unit and covered the whole space in a microcement,’ says Lucy Barlow, creative director, Barlow & Barlow. Durable and impermeable, microcement is made from fine cement, pigments, and other additives to create a seamless waterproof finish. The shade of green was specially mixed for this project: ‘It is both soothing and uplifting,’ Lucy adds.

See bathrooms can be every bit as beautiful and exciting as softer more lived-in spaces. These are such great rooms to have fun with and experiment in, a bold bathroom is far easier to live with than a bold living room or bedroom. So let these spaces inspire you to bring some pattern and color and texture into your own bathroom.

We asked 6 interior designers for their favorite bathroom remodels – these are the fabulous projects they picked (2024)


How much does Kelly Wearstler charge? ›

Kelly Wearstler is a keynote speaker and industry expert who speaks on a wide range of topics . The estimated speaking fee range to book Kelly Wearstler for your event is $50,000 - $100,000.

What is the biggest problem in interior designing? ›

One of the biggest struggles for just about any business, interior design firm or otherwise, is managing costs. Labour, materials, marketing, and even your monthly phone bill add up when you're running a business. For most interior design firms, managing the costs of materials is the biggest challenge.

Who is the No 1 interior designer in the world? ›

1. Kelly Wearstler: Renowned for her bold and eclectic designs, Kelly Wearstler is a trailblazer in the world of interior design. Her work often features a mix of vibrant colors, unique textures, and luxurious elements, creating spaces that are both opulent and inviting.

How messy is a bathroom remodel? ›

Sanding drywall is a dusty job, and so is cutting and removing a tub. Ripping out old tile? Expect some flying shards and, yes, more dust. "Weather permitting, we put a fan in the window and create a backdraft the bathroom to draw the dust-filled air and pump it outside," Miller describes.

Does Kelly Wearstler have a degree? ›

Wearstler received her academic training in interior, architectural, and graphic design. She is the author of five design books, and she has been featured in Elle Décor, Architectural Digest, and Wallpaper Magazine. She is also the first interior designer to teach a MasterClass, and she is a board member for Desert X.

What do top interior designers charge? ›

Most interior designers charge for their time by the hour, anywhere from $50 to $500 depending on their experience. On average you can expect to pay $100 to $200 per hour, typically totaling around $5,200 in design fees, not including the cost of furniture.

What is unethical in interior design? ›

As an interior designer, you should not interfere with another designer's professional relationship with their client or any contract they are currently a part of. Similarly, you shouldn't initiate or participate in anything that would result in harm to another firm or designer's reputation or business relationships.

What are the weaknesses of interior design? ›

Subjectivity in Taste: - Interior designers may face challenges when dealing with diverse client tastes and preferences. - Balancing personal design aesthetics with clients' desires can be a weakness, requiring flexibility and compromise.

How old are most interior designers? ›

The workforce of Interior designers in 2021 was 87,310 people, with 83.9% woman, and 16.1% men. The average age of male Interior designers in the workforce is 47 and of female Interior designers is 42.3, and the most common race/ethnicity for Interior designers is White.

How do you shower when bathroom is being renovated? ›

Where do you have a shower if your bathroom is getting renovated?
  1. Use your other bathroom. ...
  2. Attach a portable shower head to the laundry tap. ...
  3. Use an outdoor shower connected to the hose tap. ...
  4. Get a plumber to set up a temporary shower. ...
  5. Hire a motorhome with a shower and park it outside.
Dec 17, 2022

What are the hardest part of remodeling bathroom? ›

However, there are several common challenges that homeowners often face during the renovation process. Water is number one. I've replaced more than one rotten bathroom floor and even a wall behind a leaking toilet. The wall behind an old shower is almost guaranteed to be rotten.

What is the first thing to do in a bathroom remodel? ›

How to Plan a Bathroom Remodel
  • Gather ideas. The first step is to decide how you want your bathroom to look when the project is complete. ...
  • Decide what needs to be changed or added. ...
  • Decide whether to do it yourself or hire a contractor. ...
  • Establish a budget. ...
  • Order materials. ...
  • Complete your design and pull permits.

How did Kelly Wearstler make her money? ›

Kelly Wearstler (/ˈwɜːrslər/; born November 21, 1967) is an American designer. She founded her own design firm Kelly Wearstler Interior Design (or KWID) in the mid-1990s, serving mainly the hotel industry, and now designs across high-end residential, commercial, retail and hospitality spaces.

Is Kelly Wearstler still married? ›

The award-winning tastemaker continues to innovate environments from her home base in Los Angeles, where she lives with husband Brad Korzen, their three sons and their dogs.

What do freelance interior designers charge? ›

The average hourly rate for interior designers ranges from $75 to $250, and even more. In general, if you are just starting out as an interior designer, you can charge between $75 and $125 per hour. After several years of experience, you can increase your rate to $150.

What type of design does Kelly Wearstler do? ›

A multi-layered, stimulating sensory experience is at the center of Wearstler's design approach. Through an exploration of materiality, color, forms and an intuitive juxtaposition of contemporary and vintage, architectural and organic, graphic and instinctual, she curates a wealth of experiences into every space.


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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