Uline Assessment Study Guide(2024) (2024)

Contemplating a career with North America’s leading distributor of shipping, packing, and industrial supplies?

Uline Assessment Study Guide(2024) (1)

Take the Uline Practice Test to improve your score.

Hoping to ace the Uline assessment test but need some guidance?

Well, you’re in luck! This helpful guide has everything you need to know about how to prepare for the Uline assessment including study guides and practice tests.

Specifically this guide will cover:

  • What is on the Uline assessment test
  • The format of assessments
  • Preparation and study tips
  • Whether Uline assessments are hard
  • Common mistakes to avoid
  • The interview itself
  • Some frequently asked questions.

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s jump right in!

Uline Assessment Study Guide(2024) (2)

Table of Contents

What Is On The Uline Assessment Test?

As you will see, going through the questions, you are expected to jump through a mix of verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning questions with some general knowledge questions thrown into the mix and do each of those in 14 seconds or less.

To ace the Uline Wonderlic test , it is essential that you get to practice in each of those areas before doing the assessments. The test results will give Uline a picture of your critical thinking, deductive reasoning, problem-solving skills, and cognitive abilities.

Verbal Reasoning

You can expect to be tested on your vocabulary and on your ability to recognize which words have the same or different meanings.

To get an idea of verbal reasoning questions, try the following free sample verbal reasoning questions.

Numerical Reasoning

In this section, you can expect your mathematical abilities to be challenged, for example, in the following question.

Try doing it quickly!

Ruth manages a large computer company. On regular days she works ten hours. On days with board meetings, she works twelve hours, and before major deliveries, she works sixteen hours. Every week she works for five days. During the past week, she worked 62 hours.

If she didn’t have board meetings during the past week, how many days did she have major deliveries during the past week?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

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Abstract Reasoning

For many, the abstract reasoning questions will be the most challenging. The test assesses your logic and your ability to draw conclusions.

Try your hand at the following questions:

If the first two statements are true, is the final statement true?

  1. Asian cows produce more milk than American cows.
  2. European cows produce more milk than American cows.
  3. American cows produce the smallest amount of milk among all other cows.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot Say

General Knowledge

You can expect questions along the lines of:

  • How many states are in the USA?
  • What states border Oklahoma?

Test yourself with questions on the sample papers. If there are gaps in your knowledge, you may need to brush up, especially on US geography.

The Personality Test

The personality test is the company’s way of assessing if you have the personal traits that would make you a good fit for the role and for the company culture.

There are some things you need to bear in mind before doing the personality test. It is your workplace personality that is being tested, not your downtime one.

Read up on the company’s values.

A visit to their website will help with that. For example, they describe themselves as a company filled with passion, striving every day to do their best. They like employing people who are willing to take on new challenges. That is the type of personality you have to present in the test.

The Wonderlic Personality Test

This takes one and a half hours to do and has 150 multiple-choice questions. Your answers will show your personal characteristics and how reliable you are.

The major challenge with tests of this type is applicants assuming, incorrectly, that you can’t prepare for them. You will learn while working on your sample papers that you can adjust your answers to present the desired personality profile.

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Try playing with the following question.

Read the statement and select the response that best applies to you.

I’m not one to be concerned about things.
Strongly Disagree/Disagree/Neutral/Agree/Strongly Agree

To get an idea of how you can adjust your replies, select each answer in turn, then decide what type of personality you are presenting as.

For example, the answer Strongly Agree can present you as somebody who is laid back. A company that likes people who strive for excellence may not be very impressed with that response.

The Motivational Test

This assesses just how driven to succeed you will be in your chosen role. Try the following sample question.

The following statements will appear after the question:

To what degree do the following statements describe you?

Rank Them from 1 Strongly Disagree to 7 Strongly Agree.

1. Urgent deadlines make me work efficiently.
2. I always seek to be closer to people.
3. In order to be sure about something I have done, I have to get different opinions.
4. I’m interested in a job in which I can acquire new knowledge and skills.

Take Uline Assessment Test Now

Role Related Tests

With such a varied list of roles to fill, Uline may also require you to do tests specifically related to the position you have applied for.

You may need to prepare for Clerical Aptitude, Customer Service, or Administrative tests, among others.

Job Test Prep can supply you with prep packs for all of those roles.

What Is The Format Of The Assessments?

Uline uses Wonderlic pre-employment assessments. The best known of these is the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability test, also called the Wonderlic Personnel test. This test requires good analytical skills as well as good time management.

The test is only 12 minutes long but within that time you have to answer 50 questions. The questions are multiple-choice and, when done in the comfort of having time at your disposal, are not extremely challenging.

However, you will be doing each question in 14 seconds, something even the most experienced test candidates find demanding.

You will be tested on English via verbal reasoning questions, math in mathematical reasoning, and logic through abstract reasoning, as well as answering general knowledge questions.

To get a feel for the Wonderlic test, use the following link for a free sample list of Wonderlic questions. To get an idea of how you might perform, set a timer for 12 minutes and attempt to answer all the questions within that time.

How Do I Prepare?

When faced with pre-employment assessments, your best course of action is to use the services of a pre-employment test preparation company.

For this, we recommend using Job Test Prep. Using them will give you access to their 30 years of experience in preparing applicants for job tests.

They will provide you with a test prep pack for the specific job you have applied for.

In your test prep pack, you will get the following:

  • Information about the format of the tests
  • Practice tests modeled on the real ones
  • A method of checking your scores as you work through the tests
  • Detailed explanations for questions and answers

To get an idea of the types of tests they give you, try your hand at the following free sample personality test.

Job Test Prep will supply you with personality tests modeled on the specific one for the role you are testing for.

Study Tips For Uline Assessments

Use your sample papers as the backbone of your preparation. This will allow you to:

  • Become familiar with the style of questioning
  • Discover areas that may need a further brush-up
  • Train yourself to work within the time limitations
  • Hone your answering skills

Are The Uline Assessments Hard?

The assessments are designed to determine your suitability for the role you are interested in.

Like all pre-employment assessments, they are demanding. Not alone are they looking at your individual abilities but also seeking to hire the people who are the best for the job.

Essentially, how you perform in the assessments is important, but how many other applicants you outshine is what will determine if you get the job. The key to getting there is to do your preparation.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid

Worried about what could go wrong? Afraid that you might miss something important? Never fear! Below I’ve listed the most common Uline assessment mistakes so you can take the test in peace.

1. Lack of Preparation: Study! Study! Study! We simply can’t say it enough.

The Uline assessment will have many questions and exercises that you can easily get an advantage on by simply taking practice tests and reading study guides.

By not preparing properly, your likelihood of achieving a lower grade is greatly increased.

However, good news! By reading this guide, you’ve already taken a step towards successful preparation!

2. Time Mismanagement: The most common mistake in any Uline assessment is when participants fail to answer all the questions in the time allotted.

Therefore, it is important to think about how much time you can afford to spend on each question.

A great way to do this is by taking multiple practice assessments prior to the day of the test.

You could also get into the habit of moving on from questions if you’re unsure. It is much better to return to a difficult question later if you have time rather than to try and solve it right then and there.

3. Skipping Instructions: Carefully read all instructions! We would even suggest reading each question two to three times so that you properly understand the guidelines for a section before you even attempt it.

4. Overthinking: Try not to get stuck on questions by overthinking them.

Cognitive ability tests require fast and precise responses so it’s important not to overanalyze questions. Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, and move on to a question that you might have a better understanding of.

5. Panicking: Stay calm! If you find yourself getting worked up, don’t feel upset if you need to pause and take a deep breath!

Even though you might sacrifice time spent on a future question, you will help yourself to settle and get ready for the rest of the test.

6. Ignoring Practice Tests: The most valuable resource to prepare for Uline assessments is, of course, taking Uline assessments.

Thankfully, you can easily jump online and find a plethora of sample questions and exercises to familiarize yourself with the test.

If you don’t have the time, even having a look at the test’s structure and format is extremely valuable.

The Interview

Getting an invitation to an interview means you have succeeded in the online tests and is a cause for celebration. But it also means you have further work to do.

You can expect a competency-based interview, so it is advisable to look at the role you applied for again and brush up on possible questions about how you would carry out the related tasks. Interviewers will also be looking at how you will fit in with the company’s culture and ambitions.

Being well-prepared for these types of questions will put you in a position to make a favorable impression.

And finally…

Doing your preparation for the assessments and interview puts you in a position to get that job. Go in there and give it your best shot!

If your ambition is to work for Uline, you will find all the resources you need to ace the pre-employment tests here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you improve your score on the Wonderlic test?

Some simple ways you can improve your score on the Wonderlic test include regular practice, time management, and reviewing your basic math and grammar prior to the day of the test.

It is also important to stay calm and read all the instructions to not make mistakes.

What is a good score for the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test?

A good score on the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test would be above the average of 20.

However, it is important to note that some jobs may require higher scores due to the demands of the position.We advise researching the job you wish to do and what constitutes a good score for that position.

What study materials are available to prepare for the Uline assessment?

Multiple study resources are available to prepare for the Uline assessment. The most helpful materials include official Wonderlic practice tests, preparation books, study groups, tutors, and plenty of online resources such as guides and sample questions.

Written by Elizabeth O Mahony

Uline Assessment Study Guide(2024) (5)

Elizabeth O Mahony

With 25+ years’ experience as a teacher and state examinations corrector, Elizabeth now writes for the education and careers industry. Her experience preparing students for examinations and running an academy for supplementary education give her invaluable insights into what it takes for job seekers and graduates to succeed in assessments.

Uline Assessment Study Guide(2024) (2024)


Are Uline assessments hard? ›

Is it hard to get hired at Uline? Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at Uline as 31.4% positive with a difficulty rating score of 2.82 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty).

What assessment test does Uline give? ›

You come in for an interview and the first step of the process is a numbers test that you will be times on. The numbers test is timed and tests your ability to manage number sequences and match numbers. There is not much of a way to study for this, but it plays a huge role in your hiring so do well.

How do I pass my assessment test interview? ›

Tips to Clear a Pre-Employment Assessment
  1. Research about the Job Role. No two jobs are identical. ...
  2. Identify the Industry and Domain. ...
  3. Speak to the Hiring Team. ...
  4. Use Mock Pre-Employment Tests. ...
  5. Check System Requirements. ...
  6. Stay Calm. ...
  7. Be Aware of Job Context in Your Answers. ...
  8. Read Questions Carefully.

How do you pass a skills assessment test? ›

What to Prepare When Going Into a Skills Assessment
  1. Understand Your Skill Level. Don't fool yourself. ...
  2. Research the Test. The more you know about the assessment, the better you'll be able to do. ...
  3. Master the Test Structure. ...
  4. Practice (If You Can) ...
  5. Prepare Mentally. ...
  6. Use Time Effectively. ...
  7. Check Over Your Work, When Possible.
Mar 24, 2022

How do I study for an assessment test? ›

Here are some of the tips that help you prepare for the assessment test:
  1. Understand the purpose of the assessment: ...
  2. Be honest: ...
  3. Practice in advance and identify your strengths: ...
  4. Negative marking: ...
  5. Research well: ...
  6. Time your preparation: ...
  7. Brush up technical skills: ...
  8. Understand your potential employer:

Can you fail an assessment and still get hired? ›

Assessment tests are commonly used by companies to evaluate candidates' suitability for a job. If a candidate fails an assessment test, it may impact their chances of being hired, as many companies use these tests as a screening tool to make hiring decisions.

How long does the Uline assessment test take? ›

What are the Different Uline Wonderlic Online Tests? This test has 50 questions and must be completed within 12 minutes.

How long does Uline take to hire? ›

How long does it take to get hired from start to finish at Uline? What are the steps along the way? 2 weeks.

Is Uline hard to get into? ›

Uline - Very conservative and hard to get into, but take very good care of their employees | Glassdoor. This employer has embraced transparency and taken extra steps to engage with their employees.

What happens if you fail assessment test? ›

One of the first things to happen when you fail an assessment center is that you will typically receive feedback on your performance. This feedback is invaluable, as it highlights your strengths and weaknesses in the context of the job role.

What kind of questions are on an assessment test? ›

These tests usually consist of numerical, verbal, abstract, and logical reasoning questions. To improve your skills in these areas and practise test-like questions, visit our cognitive ability prep guide.

Should I answer strongly, agree or disagree? ›

Avoid extreme answers

Conversely to the previous tip, you should also avoid answering every question with "Strongly Agree" or "Strongly Disagree". This might make you appear wildly sure of yourself or closed to others' opinions.

How to prepare for skill assessment? ›

Follow these tips to prepare yourself for a skills test and to complete an assessment successfully.
  1. Understand the position you are applying for. ...
  2. Ask what kind of skills assessment to expect. ...
  3. Prepare by taking practice tests. ...
  4. Understand your work values and motivators. ...
  5. Know your professional strengths and weaknesses.
Dec 20, 2022

How difficult is a skills assessment? ›

Skills Assessment is a difficult process however, with a few simple strategies, the process is manageable. Remember to know, gather, research and ask for help when required.

How to answer an assessment test? ›

How to answer assessment questions
  1. Ask the employer to give you an idea of what to expect. ...
  2. Visualize the information in the question. ...
  3. Underline the keywords in the assessment question. ...
  4. Do readings before you respond. ...
  5. Answering questions in the reverse order. ...
  6. Use the elimination process. ...
  7. Take personality tests online.
Mar 10, 2023

Is it hard to pass an assessment center? ›

The assessment centre is usually one of the last steps in an application process, but also the most difficult to crack. You've certainly told us it's the part you find most challenging - but also the most enjoyable.

How hard is it to pass an aptitude test? ›

Is an aptitude test hard? Yes, aptitude tests can be difficult. They are designed to be challenging so that you can differentiate between those with high reasoning skills and those with lower skill level.


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.