Rogue Naxxramas Raiding Cheat Sheet - P6 - WoW Classic Rogue Guides & Tutorials (2024)

Here’s your 101 breakdown on Naxxramas raiding strategies and consumables required for a raiding rogue.

Video version of this guide:

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Checklist for your 5273 raid consumables…

Naxxramas is expensive and there are more consumables needed than any other raid in classic. I’ll be breaking down the consumables you need as we go through each boss, but I also made a handy weakaura that you can use to track the consumables in your bags as you ‘prep’ your bag for raids each week.

Sno’s Rogue Raid Consumables Checklist:

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Watch the video above to see how to edit this weakaura if you want to customize the items/amount of items (and also turn it on/off when not in use).

What consumables do I need?

I’ll be going through the consumables needed for each boss/fight as we go, but as usual, the standard consumables are needed of course:

  • Elixir of the Mongoose / Elixir of Greater Agility
  • Juju Power / Elixir of Giants
  • Blessed Sunfruit / Grilled Squid / Smoked Desert Dumplings
  • Juju Might / Winterfall Firewater
  • Zanza / Blasted Lands buffs

As far as flasks go, titans flask is still the standard flask for rogues, but be aware that you don’t want to use titans on KT because of the % hp damage.

Alright let’s get to the boss breakdowns.

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The Arachnid Quarter

This is the one wing you will find a bunch of non-undead mobs. Don’t forget to swap out your Seal of the Dawn/Mark of the Champion trinket or consecrated sharpening stones here.

Overall spider wing is the easiest wing and you’re fairly safe to mostly not use consumables here if you have decent raid healers.

Note on trash: You may be assigned to kick/stun interrupt certain trash packs, particularly the ones before Faerlina – this will be up to how your guild assigns your rogues/interrupts. Try to stun ghouls at sub 50% hp as they enrage.

If you’re being extra cautious you can bring Elixir of Poison Resistance/Anti-Venom and Arcane Protection Potions here for the annoying trash (I don’t personally find them needed and I’ve never used them here).

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Basic strategy:

  1. Use free action potion on pull to avoid getting webbed
  2. Blade flurry cleave first set of adds (and boss as well if doable for your guild
  3. Burn boss after 2 Crypt Guards are dead – hug farside to avoid parry hasting when Anub’Rekhan turns to cast impale
  4. Run away during ‘Locust Swarm’ and kill Crypt Guard during this duration
  5. (optional) Use goblin sapper either on pull when 2 adds + Anub’Rekhan are stacked if going for parse OR on corpse scarab spawns after adds die (corpse scarabs don’t count towards parse though)

Required Consumables:

  • 1 Free Action Potion
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Note: Faerlina is not undead (aka. don’t use +undead gear/enchants here)

Basic strategy:

  1. Kill 2 ‘Naxxramas Follower’ first. You can try to cleave them but they often die too quickly (don’t kill the worshippers by accident though)
  2. Burn Faerlina and don’t stand in ‘rain of fire’

Required Consumables:

  • None
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Note: Maexxna is not undead (aka. don’t use +undead gear/enchants here)

Basic strategy:

  1. Burn boss (watch early aggro at start and don’t stand in front of boss)
  2. You can vanish first web spray (assuming you have no threat issues) or if your guild kills slower a vanished ‘web spray’ during enrage period can be good too
  3. Don’t burn boss below 30% right before web spray goes off

Required Consumables:

  • None

The Plague Wing

Note on trash: Focus down gargoyles so they don’t heal.

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One of the easiest fights in Naxx as long as your de-cursers do their job.

Basic strategy:

  1. Burn Noth (you can try to time Blade Flurry with adds if you want that cleave parse damage)
  2. Kill adds when Noth teleports
  3. Burn Noth again.

Required Consumables:

  • None
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It’s all about the dance.

Basic strategy:

  1. Burn Heigan once tank has him positioned
  2. Dance from section to section (pay attention to where goo comes out of the ground and go to just into that next area when moving from dance spot to next dance spot)
  3. If you get teleported try to avoid going near lavae (they have very short aggro range but hit very hard), but you will need to kill the eyes that you aggro

Required Consumables:

  • (optional) 1 Greater Nature Protection Potion – use one as you run into Heigan’s room and it can save you if you screw up the dance
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You NEED consumables for this fight.

Basic strategy:

  1. Pre-pop Greater Shadow Protection Potion before fight – this will save you from first ‘Inevitable Doom’
  2. Soft start on Loatheb, but don’t burn CDs right away
  3. Wait till your ‘spore group’ is called, then go kill spore whenever your group is called
  4. Burn Loatheb when spore buff is up (use everything during spore – you have no threat issues and 50% more crit)
  5. Re-pop a Greater Shadow Protection Potion after each ‘Inevitable Doom’ damages you (first doom is cast at 2 mins)
  6. Self heal and step away from boss when you need to bandage (whipper tuber/healthstone is great for Loatheb)

Required Consumables:

  • 2-3 Greater Shadow Protection Potions (I’d bring more to be ready for any wipes)
  • Whipper Tuber/Healthstone
  • Runecloth Bandages

The Deathknight Wing

Notes on trash: Run away from spinning trash or pop evasion if you don’t want to get knocked down and possibly die. Also be careful of standing in front of mobs and getting cleaved.

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FYI – If the fight goes bad you can sprint back up the to the 2nd floor and reset. This will save you a lot of consumable gold if your guild is wiping on Razuvious.

Basic strategy:

  1. Wait for priest to MC add to tank and position Razuvious correctly
  2. Burn Razuvious and pop CDs early (can be a long fight – get your extra short CDs in quickly to get multiple uses)
  3. Highly recommend an early vanish for safety (mind controls can get messed up and top aggro melee die during those mess ups)

Required Consumables:

  • None
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Basic strategy:

  1. Position around your half of the map (depends on your raid, but usually you’ll be in undead side somewhere)
  2. Kill adds that spawn in roughly in this order: Trainee > Rider > Deathknight > Horse
  3. If needed, you can help CC adds early such as the Deathknights with a quick 1-2 pt kidney shot or vanish cheap shot to help stop them sundering/cleaving
  4. Don’t forget to use CDs, especially on later waves – they aren’t usually needed for Gothik and keeping up with add killing is more important

Required Consumables:

  • (optional) 1-2 Greater Arcane Protection Potion – not required but can be handy to help avoid extra damage coming in from Trainee’s, especially in later phases when healers can be busy trying to heal through tougher waves
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Another fight where you NEED consumables. This strategy can change a bit but since 9/10 of guilds seem to be using the burn strategy, I’ll cover it as the main strategy.

Basic strategy:

  1. Pre-pop Greater Fire Protection Potion (not hard required but very good for meteor damage)
  2. Burn Thane once tank is okay on aggro (try to burn outside of shieldwall if possible to max damage). You want to stay in and kill him before 5 marks if doing burn strategy (you are dead if you get 5 marks).
  3. Pop Greater Shadow Protection Potion at 3+ marks (the 4th mark does 4k damage)
  4. Run away ASAP after Thane dies or you can pick up an extra mark and die
  5. Swap to Mograine and dps until 3 marks, then run out to safe spot and wait for marks to fall off or run to Lady Blaemeaux (depends on your guilds strategy)
  6. Watch for void zones on Blaumeux (blackhole looking areas) – they will kill you, don’t stand in them
  7. Don’t attack Zeliek unless you know what you’re doing/are told to – he chain aoes people

Required Consumables:

  • 1-2 Greater Shadow Protection Potions
  • 1 Greater Fire Protection Potion
  • Whipper tuber/healthstone/bandages can be handy for top ups

Definitely bring extra consumables if your guild isn’t solid on this fight, you will need them.

The Abomination Wing

Notes on trash: FAP can be useful on Golem pulls to avoid getting CC’d. You also want to make a macro to target lightning totems on the trash before patchwork.

Something like this works:

/tar lightning
/cast Sinister Strike

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Watch your threat carefully early on!

Basic strategy:

  1. (optional) You can jump into slime water before attacking Patchwerk to ensure you are low hp during the fight (Patchwerk targets based on top 4 on threat + highest hp) BUT it’s debatable if it’s that helpful
  2. Watch early aggro at start especially – you basically never want to be in top 4 of his threat list
  3. Burn CDs (you can often get 2x short CDs on this fight depending on how early you used first CDs and how fast your guild kills)
  4. Early vanish is clutch here – you’re mostly safe from aggro/threat issues after a good vanish (assuming your tank is competent)

Required Consumables:

  • None
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Basic strategy:

  1. Burn boss (but never stand in front of him)
  2. Tank will reposition him to avoid poison clouds – try to stick with him during moves and obviously don’t stand in Poison Clouds
  3. Hug far leg to avoid parry hasting when Grobbulus turns to cast on ranged casters
  4. You can use BF to cleave slimes and I’d recommend setting particles higher to ensure you can see poison
  5. You may need to swap to slimes that can spawn during the fight depending on how well your raid executes
  6. If you get ‘Mutating Injection’ you should stay away from raid group until you get cleansed to avoid spawning a Poison Cloud in a bad spot

Required Consumables:

  • (optional-ish) 1 Greater Nature Protection Potion – not really required, but you can use one for safety if you wish
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Basically a kiting test for your mages. It can help if your wars spec into piercing howl to help slow the mobs.

Basic strategy:

  1. Burn Gluth and try to time CD burns around fear as best you can
  2. If your guild tanks him in certain positions you can try to line of sight the fear every 20ish seconds using the door frame (depends on your guilds execution here)
  3. When decimate happens at 1 min 40 seconds go kill zombies closest to Gluth (also don’t sapper here – you will kill yourself if you do)

Required Consumables:

  • None
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Does your guild understand left and right?

Basic strategy:

  1. Kill Feugen but watch early aggro – you may have to stop dps for a bit if you get too far ahead of caster side (both p1 bosses need to die close together in timing)
  2. Jump over ledge (if you sprint you can just run off without jumping)
  3. Watch for ‘Polarity Shift’ and watch your debuff slot
  4. Stand together with + or – area (most guilds do + go right and – go left, but your guild may vary)
  5. Stand grouped up at max melee range at all times and keep an eye on dbm timer for Polarity Shift
  6. You have a few seconds to swap sides after each Polarity Shift – don’t be the guy that isn’t watching your debuff and doesn’t swap sides when needed

Dagger boys (and girls):

If you don’t have a top end dagger (eg. no Kingsfall/Death’s Sting), but you have a good fist/sword, I’d highly recommend a weapon swap macro to swap to your fist/sword when Thaddius is facing you.

You can spend A LOT of this fight unable to backstab if you get bad rng due to tank positioning. In this case it can be worth to hit that weapon swap macro and start sinister striking when needed.

Weaponswap Macro (press once to swap and again to swap back):

/equipslot 16 YourSinisterStrikeWeapon
/equipslot 16 YourDagger

Required Consumables:

  • (optional-ish) 1-2 Greater Nature Protection Potion/Nature Protection Potion is very handy during the Thaddius part of this fight for reducing chain lightning damage, especially if you have no world buffs

If you’re low on gold, don’t be afraid to bring cheapie Nature Prot Pots instead of Greaters. They still work great for Thaddius.

Frostwyrm Lair

No trash to clear, but be ready for tougher fights if you guild isn’t properly prepared.

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A hard frost resist + dps check. You basically need to hit certain dps and/or frost resistance check to beat this fight.

You NEED frost resist gear. See my frost resist guide for a list of potential frost resist gear. I’d recommend 150+ unbuffed generally for starting out then you can take off some if you feel your guild doesn’t need that much.

Epic FrR helps a ton here, particularly the crafted legs + ring are cheap and easy pickups for only needing 3 frozen runes on top of mats.

Basic strategy:

  1. Pre-pop Greater Frost Protection Potion + Greater Shadow Protection Potion. You need both because Sapphiron’s room does 600 dmg per 2 secs to everyone and Sapphiron himself does a life drain that hits for almost 2k if not de-cursed quickly
  2. Burn Saphiron (he’s a dragon – attack from between his legs to avoid cleave/tail whip)
  3. Don’t stand in any blizzards that spawn around the room
  4. During air phase try to stay /range 10 away from other players (but not too spread out so that it’s easier to run to an iceblock later)
  5. Sapphiron will icebolt freeze 5 people from the air – when he reaches 3 you should be looking for a nearby ice block to stand behind
  6. DO NOT run and group up until all 5 icebolt freezes are out or you can get hit for 2.6k aoe damage if you stand near someone who gets icebolted
  7. You can hit Sapphiron with sinister strikes/backstabs in the air (usually just sinister strikes since guilds usually don’t want to roaming too far away from others)
  8. His Frost Breath bomb is vanishable – but you probably shouldn’t rely on this or do this during progression runs

Required Consumables:

  • 2-5 Greater Frost Protection Potion (depends on fight length)
  • 1 Greater Shadow Protection Potion
  • Whipper Tuber/Healthstone
  • (optional) Elixir of Fortitude/Titans Flask/HP Zanza/Gordok Green Grog (any extra hp can help basically if not buffed capped)
  • (optional) Major Troll’s Blood Potion (extra hp regen)

The Greater Frost Protection Potion and Greater Shadow Prot Potion are required consumes for the fight. The +HP potions are nice although not necessarily required.

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Your job is mostly stay alive, dps and kick frostbolts if it’s your turn/group.

Basic strategy:

  1. Phase 1 – Stay in the middle of the room and kill any Unstoppable Abomination asap
  2. Phase 2+3 – Stand in your assigned group area and avoid ‘Shadow Fissure’ on the ground (red demonic circles)
  3. Your job going forward is to dps while holding energy/global to kick Frostbolts being cast by KT when needed (you have 2 secs to interrupt each Frostbolt cast)
  4. Watch out for ‘Chains of Kel’Thuzad’ – this will MC MT + 4 other players, threat can be funky/dangerous during this time
  5. Watch out for ‘Frost Blast’ if you are low hp especially – it goes out every 30 seconds and you will take 130% of health in damage (aka you need to be healed here)
  6. Burn KT down outside of the above

Required Consumables:

  • 2 Greater Frost Protection Potion
  • Bandages/whipper tuber/healthstone
Rogue Naxxramas Raiding Cheat Sheet - P6 - WoW Classic Rogue Guides & Tutorials (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.