Egg wrap with salmon recipe (Low FODMAP & Gluten-free) (2024)

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Egg wrap with salmon recipe (Low FODMAP & Gluten-free) (1)

/ Door Karlijn / Laat een bericht achter

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My friends gave me the cookbook from the famous food blog Uit Pauline’s Keuken for my birthday. I have been following her for a few years, so I really wanted to have her cookbook. Today I share a recipe from her book: the egg wrap with salmon.It is a cookbook with very accessible recipes: they are easy, often healthy, but sometimes also delicious less healthy recipes. The recipes do not have long ingredient lists with difficult ingredients, but usually simple ingredients that you can find in the supermarket. What I also like is that Pauline shares her own food hotspots and explains how to use certain cooking techniques and that she talks about her personal life. I would definitely recommend this book!

It is a cookbook with very accessible recipes: they are easy, often healthy, but sometimes also delicious less healthy recipes. The recipes do not have long ingredient lists with difficult ingredients, but usually simple ingredients that you can find in the supermarket. What I also like is that Pauline shares her own food hotspots and explains how to use certain cooking techniques and that she talks about her personal life. I would definitely recommend this book!

I adapted the recipe a bit because I wanted to make it low FODMAP. Pauline also used onion and garlic when making the egg wrap (if you don’t need to eat low FODMAP you can add this too of course) and I substituted the cream cheese for cottage cheese (but that was because cottage cheese contains less fat, more protein and is super good). And I also added some rocket lettuce, because I love that.

Note for people eating low FODMAP: cottage cheese is not lactose-free and is low FODMAP up to 36 grammes. I tolerate small amounts of cottage cheese and if I eat more I usually take a lactase supplement. You can use a smaller amount of cottage cheese or substitute the cottage cheese for lactose-free cream cheese.

What do you need

  • 50 g smoked salmon
  • 1 egg
  • 2 egg whites
  • 50 g cottage cheese
  • 50 g deep frozen (or fresh) spinach
  • Pepper and salt
  • 50 g rocket lettuce

How to prepare the egg wrap

  1. Put some oil or baking spray into a pan and bake the spinach. If liquid comes out of it, drain that from the pan.
  2. Whisk the eggs and the egg whites together with some pepper and salt and at some milk if you prefer to make it airier.
  3. Pour the egg mixture over the spinach and bake the omelette until it is done on both sides.
  4. Put the egg wrap on a plate and spread the cottage cheese over it. Then put the smoked salmon and the salad on top of it and roll it into a wrap.

This egg wrap contains (if you use baking spray instead of oil):

  • 272 calories
  • 14 g fat
  • 4 g carbs
  • 2 g of fibre
  • 30 g protein

Will you let me know if you made the egg wrap with salmon or if you are going to make it? I would really like to hear your reaction in the comments or if you share your creations with me on Instagram (@karlijn2). Don’t forget to use the hashtag #karlijnskitchen!


Egg wrap with salmon recipe (Low FODMAP & Gluten-free) (4)

Egg wrap with salmon

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  • Author: Karlijn
  • Total Time: 15 mins
  • Servings: 1 1x
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A healthy egg wrap filled with cottage cheese, smoked salmon, spinach and rocket lettuce. A recipe from Uit Pauline’s Keuken made low FODMAP.



  • 50 g smoked salmon
  • 1 egg
  • 2 egg whites
  • 50 g cottage cheese
  • 50 g deep frozen (or fresh) spinach
  • 50 g rocket lettuce
  • Pepper and salt


  1. Put some oil or baking spray into a pan and bake the spinach. If liquid comes out of it, drain that from the pan.
  2. Whisk the eggs and the egg whites together with some pepper and salt and at some milk if you prefer to make it airier.
  3. Pour the egg mixture over the spinach and bake the omelette until it is done on both sides.
  4. Put the egg wrap on a plate and spread the cottage cheese over it. Then put the smoked salmon and the salad on top of it and roll it into a wrap.
  • Prep Time: 15 mins


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 272
  • Fat: 14
  • Carbohydrates: 4
  • Fiber: 2
  • Protein: 30

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Egg wrap with salmon recipe (Low FODMAP & Gluten-free) (2024)


Are egg wraps good for you? ›

A healthy high protein lunch

This egg wrap makes a healthy and high protein lunch. The wrap itself contains only 102 calories and 13 grams of protein, without toppings. You can eat two egg wraps for lunch and top them with a healthy topping.

Can you eat smoked salmon on a low FODMAP diet? ›

In terms of FODMAP content, smoked salmon is considered low in FODMAPs, making it generally safe for individuals following a low FODMAP diet. This means that it contains minimal amounts of fermentable carbohydrates that can trigger symptoms in those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive disorders.

How long do egglife wraps last? ›

How long do egglife egg white wraps last? If your egglife wraps remain sealed and refrigerated, they will stay fresh until the 'best by' date stamped on the back of the package. Once you open the package, we recommend you consume your wraps within 7 days.

Can salmon cause IBS flare up? ›

Fishes are safe proteins to choose from for people with IBS. Once your gut is ready to include a heavier meal, steamed salmon is a great choice. Packed with protein and polyunsaturated fat, salmon and fatty fishes have been seen to provide protective actions to our gut.

Can smoked salmon trigger IBS? ›

Tuna, mackerel, and salmon are some of the many types of fish that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are great for your heart health and reduce inflammation linked to IBS. Add more fatty fish to your diet.

When should you not eat smoked salmon? ›

Cold-smoked salmon, which is not fully cooked, carries the potential for foodborne illness, specifically from listeriosis. Because of that, the FDA advises that pregnant women, young children, older adults and those who are immunocompromised not consume it.

How healthy are egg roll wrappers? ›

Egg roll wrappers contain no vitamins and virtually no minerals. Each 25 g egg roll wrapper provides just 6 percent of the daily recommended intake of iron, which the Linus Pauling Institute explains may aids in metabolism and oxygen transport in your blood.

What are egglife wraps made of? ›

egglife wraps are made of 95% egg whites.

Are wraps healthy to eat everyday? ›

Wraps can be part of a healthy diet but it's important to choose ones with high nutritional value. It isn't only the tortilla that determines whether a wrap is healthy. What you put inside the wrap matters too, so choose healthy fillings and avoid loading up on fats.

Is egg sandwich healthy or unhealthy? ›

It's high in protein, vitamins, and minerals which provide numerous health benefits like weight management and energy boost throughout the day. Moreover, it's budget-friendly and easy to make with various recipes to suit different tastes.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.