Design your own wardrobe | Bespoke closet configurator by Pickawood™ (2024)

Design your own wardrobe | Bespoke closet configurator by Pickawood™ (1)

Confirm cookies individually

We use cookies, pixels and similar technologies to enable you to make the best possible use of our website. We use three types of cookies: 1) Technical cookies, which are necessary for the functioning of our website. 2) Analytical cookies, which help us to better understand user behaviour and improve our configurators. 3) Marketing cookies, which help us keep track of our marketing spend. This may include data processing outside the EEA, e.g. in the USA. You can find out more in our privacy policy

We use cookies, pixels and similar technologies to enable you to make the best possible use of our website. We use three types of cookies: 1) Technical cookies, which are necessary for the functioning of our website. 2) Analytical cookies, which help us to better understand user behaviour and improve our configurators. 3) Marketing cookies, which help us keep track of our marketing spend. This may include data processing outside the EEA, e.g. in the USA. You can find out more in our privacy policy... more... less

Technical Cookies

These cookies and technologies are absolutely necessary for to function properly and for you to navigate this website without any problems. These must be confirmed.

Own cookies uses its own cookies for the basic functions of this website, such as for the shopping basket and for the language selection of the website. The cookie settings you make here are also saved in this way.

Cloudflare is a service provided by Cloudflare Inc. and is used to optimise and better distribute traffic. Content delivery networks provide a worldwide network of servers that cache web content locally for you, the consumer. This improves the access speed for the content on this website. At the same time, Cloudflare protects our servers against certain cyber attacks (DDoS attacks). You can find more information here.

Google Tag Manager
We use the "Google Tag Manager" service, a product of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"), in order to play out partner services individually on our website. Through this service, we ensure that consent is respected for you as a consumer and that only partner services that you have given us consent to use are played. Therefore, this service cannot be deactivated. The service itself does not independently collect any data other than that which is technically necessary for the delivery of the service (including your IP address). This data is transferred to a Google server and stored there. You will find further information in the AGB and Private policy of the Google Tag Manager.

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These cookies and technologies are absolutely necessary for to function properly and for you to navigate this website without any problems. These must be confirmed.

Own cookies uses its own cookies for the basic functions of this website, such as for the shopping basket and for the language selection of the website. The cookie settings you make here are also saved in this way.

Cloudflare is a service provided by Cloudflare Inc. and is used to optimise and better distribute traffic. Content delivery networks provide a worldwide network of servers that cache web content locally for you, the consumer. This improves the access speed for the content on this website. At the same time, Cloudflare protects our servers against certain cyber attacks (DDoS attacks). You can find more information here.

Google Tag Manager
We use the "Google Tag Manager" service, a product of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"), in order to play out partner services individually on our website. Through this service, we ensure that consent is respected for you as a consumer and that only partner services that you have given us consent to use are played. Therefore, this service cannot be deactivated. The service itself does not independently collect any data other than that which is technically necessary for the delivery of the service (including your IP address). This data is transferred to a Google server and stored there. You will find further information in the AGB and Private policy of the Google Tag Manager.

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Analytical and Comfort cookies

These cookies and technologies enable us to improve the functionality of this website and to offer you advanced features such as live chat or convenient appointment scheduling. This means that some of our services may not function properly if these cookies are disabled.

Calendly Appointments
To enable you to make appointments for a furniture consultation on our website, we use the service of Calendly, LLC. The data you enter when booking an appointment is stored in encrypted form in data centres operated by Amazon Web Services and Google. You will find further information here.

Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited ("Google"). The cookies help to analyse how users use the website. As a rule, the use of data such as the browser type/version, use of the operating system, and the time of the request are all transmitted to a Google server and stored. You will find further information here.

Google Optimize
In order to improve our offer, we use Google Optimize. This allows us to carry out user tests, such as so-called A/B tests. These allow us to optimise our offer for you based on technical information such as the visit time or the click rate. You will find further information here.

Zendesk Live Chat
To enable you to write directly to a specialist furniture consultant on our website, we use the service of Zendesk, Inc. This allows us to integrate a live chat on our website. This involves the transmission of personal data to the USA. You will find further information here.

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These cookies and technologies enable us to improve the functionality of this website and to offer you advanced features such as live chat or convenient appointment scheduling. This means that some of our services may not function properly if these cookies are disabled.

Calendly Appointments
To enable you to make appointments for a furniture consultation on our website, we use the service of Calendly, LLC. The data you enter when booking an appointment is stored in encrypted form in data centres operated by Amazon Web Services and Google. You will find further information here.

Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited ("Google"). The cookies help to analyse how users use the website. As a rule, the use of data such as the browser type/version, use of the operating system, and the time of the request are all transmitted to a Google server and stored. You will find further information here.

Google Optimize
In order to improve our offer, we use Google Optimize. This allows us to carry out user tests, such as so-called A/B tests. These allow us to optimise our offer for you based on technical information such as the visit time or the click rate. You will find further information here.

Zendesk Live Chat
To enable you to write directly to a specialist furniture consultant on our website, we use the service of Zendesk, Inc. This allows us to integrate a live chat on our website. This involves the transmission of personal data to the USA. You will find further information here.

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Marketing Cookies

These cookies help us evaluate the success of our marketing campaigns and target them more effectively. Only with these cookies is it possible for us to keep an eye on our marketing expenditure and reduce the costs of our products. We would therefore be very pleased if you would also activate these cookies.
In order to be able to measure and optimise the display of advertisem*nts via search engines such as Bing and Yahoo, we use cookies from Microsoft (Bing Ads) on our website. Through the integration, Microsoft receives the IP address. Microsoft ensures that this information remains anonymous and cannot be used to identify individuals. You will find further information here.
For so-called retargeting, we use the services of Criteo SA. This means that we can show you personalised advertising on third-party websites. Through the integration of the cookie, Criteo learns which offers you are interested in, as well as technical information about visiting times, etc. You will find further information here.
This website uses web analysis functions from Facebook (Pixel) to measure and optimise the targeting of campaigns via the Facebook platforms (Facebook and Instagram). By integrating this tool, Facebook receives the IP address and has the possibility to set cookies at the customer. If you have a Facebook account and are logged in there, Facebook can assign your visit to our website to your Facebook profile. You will find further information here.

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These cookies help us evaluate the success of our marketing campaigns and target them more effectively. Only with these cookies is it possible for us to keep an eye on our marketing expenditure and reduce the costs of our products. We would therefore be very pleased if you would also activate these cookies.
In order to be able to measure and optimise the display of advertisem*nts via search engines such as Bing and Yahoo, we use cookies from Microsoft (Bing Ads) on our website. Through the integration, Microsoft receives the IP address. Microsoft ensures that this information remains anonymous and cannot be used to identify individuals. You will find further information here.
For so-called retargeting, we use the services of Criteo SA. This means that we can show you personalised advertising on third-party websites. Through the integration of the cookie, Criteo learns which offers you are interested in, as well as technical information about visiting times, etc. You will find further information here.
This website uses web analysis functions from Facebook (Pixel) to measure and optimise the targeting of campaigns via the Facebook platforms (Facebook and Instagram). By integrating this tool, Facebook receives the IP address and has the possibility to set cookies at the customer. If you have a Facebook account and are logged in there, Facebook can assign your visit to our website to your Facebook profile. You will find further information here.

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Design your own wardrobe | Bespoke closet configurator by Pickawood™ (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Views: 5569

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.