Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (2024)

  • Cameron Chapman
  • Updated
  • 17 min read
  • Design,Colors,Color Theory,Design Principles,Graphic Design

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Cameron Chapman is a professional Web and graphic designer with over 6 years of experience. She writes for a number of blogs and is the author of The Smashing …More aboutCameron↬

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Let’s dive into color theory. We’ll discuss the meanings behind the different color families, and give some examples of how these colors are used.

There are few things in design that are more subjective—or more important—than the use of color. A color that can evoke one reaction in one person may evoke the opposite reaction in another, due to culture, prior association, or even just personal preference. Get email updates about next articles.

Color theory is a science and art unto itself, which some build entire careers on, as color consultants or sometimes brand consultants. Knowing the effects color has on a majority of people is an incredibly valuable expertise that designers can master and offer to their clients.

Part Of: Color Theory

  • Part 1: The Meaning of Color
  • Part 2: Understanding Concepts And Color Terminology
  • Part 3: How To Create Your Own Color Schemes
  • Visual Perception And The Principles Of Gestalt
  • Best Practices Of Combining Typefaces
  • Also, subscribe to our newsletter to not miss the next ones.

There’s a lot to it, though. Something as simple as changing the exact hue or saturation of a color can evoke a completely different feeling. Cultural differences can compound those effects, with a hue that’s happy and uplifting in one country becoming depressing in another.

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (7)

This is the first in a three–part series on color theory. Here we’ll discuss the meanings behind the different color families, and give some examples of how these colors are used (with a bit of analysis for each). In Part 2 we’ll talk about how hue, chroma, value, saturation, tones, tints and shades affect the way we perceive colors. And in Part 3 we’ll discuss how to create effective color palettes for your own designs.

Warm Colors

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (8)

Warm colors include red, orange, and yellow, and variations of those three colors. These are the colors of fire, of fall leaves, and of sunsets and sunrises, and are generally energizing, passionate, and positive.

Red and yellow are both primary colors, with orange falling in the middle (making it a secondary color), which means warm colors are all truly warm and aren’t created by combining a warm color with a cool color. Use warm colors in your designs to reflect passion, happiness, enthusiasm, and energy.

Red (Primary Color)

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (9)

Red is a very hot color. It’s associated with fire, violence, and warfare. It’s also associated with love and passion. In history, it’s been associated with both the Devil and Cupid. Red can actually have a physical effect on people, raising blood pressure and respiration rates. It’s been shown to enhance human metabolism, too.

Red can be associated with anger, but is also associated with importance (think of the red carpet at awards shows and celebrity events). Red also indicates danger (the reason stop lights and signs are red, and that warning labels are often red).

Outside the western world, red has different associations. For example, in China, red is the color of prosperity and happiness. It can also be used to attract good luck. In other eastern cultures, red is worn by brides on their wedding days. In South Africa, however, red is the color of mourning. Red is also associated with communism.

Red has become the color associated with AIDS awareness in Africa due to the popularity of the [RED] campaign.

In design, red can be a powerful accent color. It can have an overwhelming effect if it’s used too much in designs, especially in its purest form. It’s a great color to use when power or passion want to be portrayed in the design. Red can be very versatile, though, with brighter versions being more energetic and darker shades being more powerful and elegant.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (10)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (11)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (12)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (13)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (14)

Orange (Secondary Color)

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (15)

Orange is a very vibrant and energetic color. In its muted forms it can be associated with the earth and with autumn. Because of its association with the changing seasons, orange can represent change and movement in general. Orange is also strongly associated with creativity.

Because orange is associated with the fruit of the same name, it can be associated with health and vitality. In designs, orange commands attention without being as overpowering as red. It’s often considered more friendly and inviting, and less in–your–face.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (16)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (17)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (18)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (19)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (20)

Yellow (Primary Color)

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (21)

Yellow is often considered the brightest and most energizing of the warm colors. It’s associated with happiness and sunshine. Yellow can also be associated with deceit and cowardice, though (calling someone yellow is calling them a coward).

Yellow is also associated with hope, as can be seen in some countries when yellow ribbons are displayed by families who have loved ones at war. Yellow is also associated with danger, though not as strongly as red.

In some countries, yellow has very different connotations. In Egypt, for example, yellow is for mourning. In Japan, it represents courage and in India it’s a color for merchants.

In your designs, bright yellow can lend a sense of happiness and cheerfulness. Softer yellows are commonly used as a gender–neutral color for babies (rather than blue or pink) and young children. Light yellows also give a more calm feeling of happiness than bright yellows. Dark yellows and gold–hued yellows can sometimes look antique and be used in designs where a sense of permanence is desired.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (22)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (23)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (24)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (25)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (26)

Cool Colors

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (27)

Cool colors include green, blue, and purple, are often more subdued than warm colors. They are the colors of night, of water, of nature, and are usually calming, relaxing, and somewhat reserved.

Blue is the only primary color within the cool spectrum, which means the other colors are created by combining blue with a warm color (yellow for green and red for purple).

Because of this, green takes on some of the attributes of yellow, and purple takes on some of the attributes of red. Use cool colors in your designs to give a sense of calm or professionalism.

Green (Secondary Color)

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (28)

Green is a very down–to–earth color. It can represent new beginnings and growth. It also signifies renewal and abundance. Alternatively, green can also represent envy or jealousy, and a lack of experience.

Green has many of the same calming attributes that blue has, but it also incorporates some of the energy of yellow. In design, green can have a balancing and harmonizing effect, and is very stable.

It’s appropriate for designs related to wealth, stability, renewal, and nature. Brighter greens are more energizing and vibrant, while olive greens are more representative of the natural world. Dark greens are the most stable and representative of affluence.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (29)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (30)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (31)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (32)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (33)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (34)

Blue (Primary Color)

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (35)

Blue is often associated with sadness in the English language. Blue is also used extensively to represent calmness and responsibility. Light blues can be refreshing and friendly. Dark blues are more strong and reliable. Blue is also associated with peace and has spiritual and religious connotations in many cultures and traditions (for example, the Virgin Mary is generally depicted wearing blue robes).

The meaning of blue is widely affected depending on the exact shade and hue. In design, the exact shade of blue you select will have a huge impact on how your designs are perceived. Light blues are often relaxed and calming. Bright blues can be energizing and refreshing. Dark blues, like navy, are excellent for corporate sites or designs where strength and reliability are important.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (36)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (37)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (38)

Purple (Secondary Color)

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (39)

In ancient times, the dyes used for creating purple hues were extracted from snails and were very expensive, so only royals and the very wealthy could afford them.

Purple is a combination of red and blue and takes on some attributes of both. It’s associated with creativity and imagination, too.

In Thailand, purple is the color of mourning for widows. Dark purples are traditionally associated with wealth and royalty, while lighter purples (like lavender) are considered more romantic.

In design, dark purples can give a sense wealth and luxury. Light purples are softer and are associated with spring and romance.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (40)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (41)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (42)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (43)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (44)


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (45)

Neutral colors often serve as the backdrop in design. They’re commonly combined with brighter accent colors. But they can also be used on their own in designs, and can create very sophisticated layouts. The meanings and impressions of neutral colors are much more affected by the colors that surround them than are warm and cool colors.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (46)

Black is the strongest of the neutral colors. On the positive side, it’s commonly associated with power, elegance, and formality. On the negative side, it can be associated with evil, death, and mystery. Black is the traditional color of mourning in many Western countries. It’s also associated with rebellion in some cultures, and is associated with Halloween and the occult.

Black, when used as more than an accent or for text, is commonly used in edgier designs, as well as in very elegant designs. It can be either conservative or modern, traditional or unconventional, depending on the colors it’s combined with. In design, black is commonly used for typography and other functional parts, because of its neutrality. Black can make it easier to convey a sense of sophistication and mystery in a design.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (47)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (48)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (49)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (50)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (51)


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (52)

White is at the opposite end of the spectrum from black, but like black, it can work well with just about any other color. White is often associated with purity, cleanliness, and virtue. In the West, white is commonly worn by brides on their wedding day. It’s also associated with the healthcare industry, especially with doctors, nurses and dentists. White is associated with goodness, and angels are often depicted in white.

In much of the East, however, white is associated with death and mourning. In India, it is traditionally the only color widows are allowed to wear.

In design, white is generally considered a neutral backdrop that lets other colors in a design have a larger voice. It can help to convey cleanliness and simplicity, though, and is popular in minimalist designs. White in designs can also portray either winter or summer, depending on the other design motifs and colors that surround it.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (53)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (54)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (55)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (56)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (57)


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (58)

Gray is a neutral color, generally considered on the cool end of the color spectrum. It can sometimes be considered moody or depressing. Light grays can be used in place of white in some designs, and dark grays can be used in place of black.

Gray is generally conservative and formal, but can also be modern. It is sometimes considered a color of mourning. It’s commonly used in corporate designs, where formality and professionalism are key. It can be a very sophisticated color. Pure grays are shades of black, though other grays may have blue or brown hues mixed in. In design, gray backgrounds are very common, as is gray typography.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (59)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (60)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (61)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (62)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (63)


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (64)

Brown is associated with the earth, wood, and stone. It’s a completely natural color and a warm neutral. Brown can be associated with dependability and reliability, with steadfastness, and with earthiness. It can also be considered dull.

In design, brown is commonly used as a background color. It’s also seen in wood textures and sometimes in stone textures. It helps bring a feeling of warmth and wholesomeness to designs. It’s sometimes used in its darkest forms as a replacement for black, either in backgrounds or typography.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (65)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (66)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (67)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (68)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (69)

Beige and Tan

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (70)

Beige is somewhat unique in the color spectrum, as it can take on cool or warm tones depending on the colors surrounding it. It has the warmth of brown and the coolness of white, and, like brown, is sometimes seen as dull. It’s a conservative color in most instances, and is usually reserved for backgrounds. It can also symbolize piety.

Beige in design is generally used in backgrounds, and is commonly seen in backgrounds with a paper texture. It will take on the characteristics of colors around it, meaning it has little effect in itself on the final impression a design gives when used with other colors.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (71)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (72)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (73)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (74)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (75)

Cream and Ivory

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (76)

Ivory and cream are sophisticated colors, with some of the warmth of brown and a lot of the coolness of white. They’re generally quiet, and can often evoke a sense of history. Ivory is a calm color, with some of the pureness associated with white, though it’s a bit warmer.

In design, ivory can lend a sense of elegance and calm to a site. When combined with earthy colors like peach or brown, it can take on an earthy quality. It can also be used to lighten darker colors, without the stark contrast of using white.


Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (77)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (78)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (79)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (80)
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (81)

In Brief

While the information contained here might seem just a bit overwhelming, color theory is as much about the feeling a particular shade evokes than anything else. But here’s a quick reference guide for the common meanings of the colors discussed above:

  • Red: Passion, Love, Anger
  • Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality
  • Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit
  • Green: New Beginnings, Abundance, Nature
  • Blue: Calm, Responsible, Sadness
  • Purple: Creativity, Royalty, Wealth
  • Black: Mystery, Elegance, Evil
  • Gray: Moody, Conservative, Formality
  • White: Purity, Cleanliness, Virtue
  • Brown: Nature, Wholesomeness, Dependability
  • Tan or Beige: Conservative, Piety, Dull
  • Cream or Ivory: Calm, Elegant, Purity

The Whole Series

  • Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color
  • Color Theory for Designers, Part 2: Understanding Concepts And Terminology
  • Color Theory for Designers, Part 3: Creating Your Own Color Palettes

Further Resources

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (82)(lu, il)

Explore more on

Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color — Smashing Magazine (2024)


What is the color theory for designers the meaning of color? ›

Color theory is the study of how colors work together and how they affect our emotions and perceptions. It's like a toolbox for artists, designers, and creators to help them choose the right colors for their projects.

What does each color symbolize? ›

White is the symbol of light and signifies innocence and purity, joy, and glory. Red is the symbol of fire and blood, signifies charity and generous sacrifice. Green is the symbol of nature, signifies the hope of eternal life. Purple, the gloomy cast of the mortified, represents affliction and melancholy.

What is the best color combination for a magazine? ›

If you want your magazine to make a strong impression, you can choose colours that are opposite to each other in the colour circle. For example, you can think of colour combinations with yellow and purple, red and green, or blue and orange.

What is the color theory of fashion designers? ›

There are several colour theory models, but the most commonly used in fashion design is the colour wheel. The colour wheel is a circle that is divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary colours. Primary colours are red, blue, and yellow, and they cannot be created by mixing other colours.

What is the color theory simplified? ›

The three primary colors are red, yellow and blue. In traditional color theory these are the 3 colors that cannot be formed by mixing any combinations or other colors. All other colors are derived from mixing these three colors. Secondary colors form the next most basic of the standard color wheels.

What color is the most powerful? ›

Red. Red is the most powerful color associated with fire, violence, war, love and passion. Historically, red represents both the Devil and the Cupid. Red can affect our physiology as it raises blood pressure and respiration rate.

What does each color have a different meaning? ›

Red: Passion, Love, Anger. Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality. Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit. Green: New Beginnings, Abundance, Nature. Blue: Calm, Responsible, Sadness.

What do the 7 colors represent? ›

The Buddhists believed that the seven colors of the rainbow represent the seven continents of the Earth. The ancient Arabians attributed the appearance of a rainbow as a gift from the south wind. In many cultures rainbows were a sign of luck or a gift from the gods.

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Colors that Grab Attention

As a bold color that stands out, it's easily noticeable, even from a distance. In addition, red has been shown to increase the heart rate and stimulate the brain, making it a powerful aid in attracting attention. Blue is another notable color for catching the eye.

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11 Colors That Truly Go With Everything in Your Closet
  • Black. Getty. Is this one obvious? ...
  • White. Getty. On the opposite end of the color spectrum (quite literally), white can offer the perfect blank canvas with which to build the rest of your look. ...
  • Camel. Getty. ...
  • Tan. Getty. ...
  • Olive. Getty. ...
  • Navy. Getty. ...
  • Powder Blue. Getty. ...
  • Denim. Getty.
Mar 28, 2024

What does the color theory represent? ›

People respond to color in three ways—biologically (e.g., red = fear), culturally (e.g., red = wellbeing in many Eastern societies) and personally from experience. Designers use color symbolism in (e.g.) logos to gain users' trust and attention.

What color looks best on me? ›

Colors for your undertone
ToneColors to go for
Warm- tonedHoney, Olive, Coral, Cream, Gold, Peaco*ck blue, Oranges, Magenta,Reds and Amber.
Cool- tonedRoyal Blue, Bright Blue, Lavender, Rose, Gray, Emerald, Amethyst, Deep purple, Ruby, Bright rose.
NeutralMedium blue, Jade, Peach, Dusty Pink, White
Aug 19, 2019

Which color theory is correct? ›

Opponent process theory versus trichromatic theory

So which is correct? It turns out that both of these theories are necessary to fully describe the intricacies of human color vision. The trichromatic theory helps to explain how each type of cone receptor detects different wavelengths in light.

What is the color theory of colorist? ›

Color theorists, aka people who studied color and how it could be used for effect, developed tools for artists to use. Specifically, these are known as color schemes or pattens of color. Among these schemes are monochrome, analogous, complementary, triadic, and tetradic.

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Color psychology is the study of how colors affect perceptions and behaviors. In marketing and branding, color psychology is focused on how colors impact consumers' impressions of a brand and whether or not they persuade consumers to consider specific brands or make a purchase.

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Color theory, or more specifically traditional color theory, is the historical body of knowledge describing the behavior of colors, namely in color mixing, color contrast effects, color harmony, color schemes and color symbolism. Modern color theory is generally referred to as Color science.

What do the colors of design mean? ›

Red: Passion, Love, Anger. Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality. Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit. Green: New Beginnings, Abundance, Nature. Blue: Calm, Responsible, Sadness.


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