Club Rules | Calcutta Club (2024)


In the Bye-Laws framed hereunder, unless otherwise indicated, the term “member” will include both gentleman member and lady member, and the term “his” will include “her”.

  1. The Club House shall ordinarily be open for the reception of members from 7.00 A.M. to 11-00 pm and beyond these hours, only residents and such staff as are permitted may remain in the Club premises excepting on special occasions. During such special occasion, extended hours of the Club operation shall be notified to all concerned by a notice in writing.
  2. Members’ Guests
  3. A member may at his own expense entertain guests subject to such rules and byelaws and payment of such charges as may from time to time be prescribed by the committee. The member shall be responsible for the conduct of his guest and for the strict observance of the rules of the Club by his guest.
  4. No member shall introduce to the Club as a guest, any person whose presence is undesirable or whose membership of the Club has been suspended or terminated, except a person who has resigned from his membership.
  5. The committee reserves the right to restrict any member from introducing any particular person as a guest and the decision of the committee in this respect shall be final.
  6. No person ordinarily residing within the municipal limits of Kolkata or within a radial distance of 40 kms thereof shall be admitted as a guest in the Club more than three times a month.
  7. A guest shall be admitted to the Club only when accompanied by the member who introduces him.
  8. The Member concerned must enter the name and address of the guest(s) (both ladies and gentlemen introduced to the Club), in a register kept for the purpose at the entrance to the Centenary Hall on the ground floor. The Guest Charge shall be Rs.100/- per Guest. If, however, the guest is not signed in at the reception, the Member shall be charged Rs.200/- per guest through the yellow register.
  9. Any person desiring to meet a member in the Club shall be seated in the waiting area and his name will be taken to the member concerned. The member may meet his visitor in the waiting area or in his room (provided the visiting guest is not a lady) if he is staying at the Club.
  10. Temporary members are not allowed to entertain guests at the Club. However, temporary members who are staying in the residential rooms are permitted to entertain their guests at the Club during their stay.
  11. At any given time a member is not permitted to bring in more than 12 (twelve) guests.
  12. No guest charges will be payable (1) in case of parties hosted by a member for which a separate area within the Club premises has been specially reserved (2) in case of functions organised by the Club where separate guest charges have been fixed.
  13. Banquet/Room Reservation/Meetings
  14. a) The Committee shall notify reservation charges for guest rooms, and other spaces from time to time.
  15. b) If a member wishes invitations to a party to be issued by the Club on his behalf, this may be done on payment of such costs, charges and expenses as may be incurred by the Club for the purpose.
  16. c) Business meetings can be held in the Club premises with prior permission of the Committee and only in specified rooms booked for the purpose.
  17. d) Except with the permission of the Committee, no public address system, music, singing, cheering or speeches, which are likely to cause disturbance to members, shall be allowed in the Club.
  18. e) The Club management may close the whole Club or any portion thereof during such hours as it may deem expedient (1) during Club functions, (2) on special occasions and (3) under special circ*mstances e.g. for repair/maintenance etc. A notice in writing shall be issued by the CEO for such purpose.
  19. Suggestions & Complaints

Any member having any suggestion or complaint should enter the same in the book kept for the purpose. Complaints can also be posted to the CEO either in writing or by email

  1. Damage to Library Books & Other Properties
  2. No member shall, save as provided in the library byelaws, take away books, magazines or papers from the Club and shall not mutilate or damage or destroy any book, magazine or paper or any part thereof. In the event of a member being found to have acted in breach of this byelaw, he shall, in addition to being liable to a sum equal to the value of the book, magazine or paper removed or damaged or mutilated, be liable to disciplinary action in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Club.
  3. A Member shall be liable to pay the full cost of replacement or repair of any articles of the Club property lost, broken or damaged by him or his guests.

Permanent/NRI/SM/Corporate Member’s Children from 4 to 8 years of age :

They will be permitted to enter the Club House on all days and shall be allowed in the Sports areas, Centenary Hall, South Verandah, all Outsourced areas. An Annual Charge of Rs.1200/- will be levied for an Identity Card issued. Children will be allowed with parents only. Maids/Helpers shall not be allowed entry with children. Normal guest charges shall be applicable for children brought in by members guests.

Use of Facilities – Restricted to :

(1) Outsourced Eating Areas, Swimming Pool, Badminton & Tennis Courts & Courtyard(anytime)

(2) Main Dining Room (during lunch hours), Centenary Hall & South Verandah .

(3) The guardian member has to accompany the Child and is responsible for his/her child at all times.

(4) Children with Parents are allowed accommodation in residential rooms.




Junior Dependants – Members’ Children from the age of 08 to 18 years of age:

This category can use the Club independently as Junior Dependants if the member is desirous and applies in a prescribed format for approval of the Committee and subject to payment of fees as may be decided by the Committee.

Use of Facilities – In the Outsourced Eating Areas, Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts, Badminton Courts & Club Lawns, Centenary Hall & South Verandah, Independently. However to use the Dining Hall, they have to be accompanied by the guardian member.

Senior Dependants

(A) – Members’ Children from the age of 18 to 35 years of age

Can use the Club independently as Senior Dependants if the member is desirous and applies in a prescribed format for approval of the Committee, subject to payment of fees as may be decided by the Committee.

(B) Single Daughters

It had been a norm in our Club for a very long time for Single Daughters to be allowed to use its facilities. The introduction of Women Members and the Swipe Card should have put an end to this automatically. However, that did not happen.

The Club feels that we should phase this out and put an end to the ambiguity, hence it is suggested that all Single Daughters(above 18 years be allowed into the category of Senior Dependents irrespective of age, if the member is desirous and applies in a prescribed format for approval of the Committee subject to payment of fees as may be decided by the Committee..After 35 years of age the status will automatically terminate and will be considered as guests,

This is a kinder way of ending a tradition and also gives Single Daughters time and opportunity to apply for membership. Obviously, once they marry they are no longer Dependents.

Use of Facilities –Main Dining Hall, Outsourced Eating Areas, Centenary Hall, South Verandah, Upstairs Verandah, all Sporting Facilities, Regal Room, Crystal Room, Room No. 7 & Royal Coochbehar Lounge. (Independently)

However, to use Men’s Bar & Sir Rajen Mookherjee Hall they have to be accompanied by the guardian member. They will NOT be allowed in the Men’s Bar & Maharajadhiraj Of Burdwan Lounge on Fridays.

All Children in the age group 18 to 35 years & Single Daughters over the age of 35 years, who are not Senior Dependants, shall be treated as Guests and Normal Guest rules & Charges shall apply.

Senior Dependants shall be allowed to bring in 2(two) guests at the designated facilities (as above) subject to the normal guest charges and rules. However,they are not allowed to bring in their children. They are also not allowed to bring guests to any sporting facilities in the Club.

Revalidation of discontinued Senior Dependant Membership shall entail a validation charge/fees of Rupees Two Thousand+Taxes.

  1. Members’ Spouse: The spouse of a member (unless the member notifies the Club to the contrary) shall enjoy the following privileges, subject to such restrictions as the committee may impose from time to time :-
  2. a) He may make use of such portions of the Club premises as are made open to the member by the Committee whether or not he is accompanied by the spouse.
  3. b) He may sign on behalf of the spouse, who is a member for supplies made to him, giving the spouse’s membership number and name.
  4. c) He may bring guests to the club with him when unaccompanied by the member subject, however, to the observance of the normal guest rules.
  5. No person shall be entitled to sign on behalf of a member except his spouse.
  6. Temporary Members: All temporary members will deposit a sum of Rs. 3,000/-. Temporary members who desire to reside at the Club will be required to make a further deposit of Rs. 500/- as subscription for 15 days or part thereof. The bills of temporary Members will be presented to them every week and they will be required to settle the same within three days of presentation, failing which supplies may be stopped.
  7. Mailing Address: Members shall forthwith intimate to the club, in writing, any change in the mailing address and contact telephone numbers. The Billing Department, upon receipt of such intimation confirm, in writing, the change of address etc. within a period of 15 working days. The member must inform the Financial Controller in case of non-receipt of such confirmation. The member will be obliged to furnish proof of address while requesting for change of address.
  8. Cell phone – Restrictions: Using of cell phones is prohibited in the Main Dining Hall, Room No. 7, Crystal Room & Regal Room, Men’s Bar, Maharajadhiraj of Burdwan Lounge, Sir Rajen Mookherjee Hall & Royal Coochbehar Lounge. However, a member may be asked by a Club employee on duty to refrain from using cell phone, if a fellow member objects to the use of cell phone at any location in the Club premises, other than those expressly mentioned hereinbefore.

13 Smart Card: Members shall produce smart card issued by the Club on demand by the Club employees on duty. Use of facilities at the Club including entrance to the Club premises is not permitted unless a member or his spouse carries the smart card. In the event of loss/misplacement of the smart card the member shall apply for a duplicate card and obtain temporary permission to enter the Club and use the facilities.

  1. Miscellaneous:
  2. a) Drinks and other edibles are not allowed from outside for consumption inside the Club except in the Sports Complex when specially permitted by the Committee.
  3. b) Betting or wagering is prohibited in the Club premises.
  4. c) The Club shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to valuables, cash or any belongings of a member and/or his guests, sons, daughters etc. Club employees are not permitted to take custody of any valuables such as jewellery, cell phones, Laptop etc.
  5. d) No Member or his guest shall give any money, present or gratuity to any member of the staff of the Club.
  6. e) Every Member shall conduct himself in a manner befitting the status and dignity of the Club.
  7. f) The Club will not accept reservations of tables in any restaurants of the Club for more than 12 (twelve) guests.
  8. g) Table reservations in restaurants can be done on first come first serve basis depending on availability of tables. Reserved tables will be released to other members on demand if the member who reserved the table does not show up after the lapse of 15 minutes after the appointed time.
  9. h) Bills for services provided at the restaurants will be raised only in the name of the member who had made the reservation. Bills for services rendered at different tables reserved by more than one member shall not be clubbed, even if agreed to, by a member.
  10. Misconduct: Any member committing any of the following acts, will be deemed to be guilty of misconduct for which appropriate action as provided in the Articles of Association of the Club, may be taken:
  11. Threatening or misbehaving with any member, member’s spouse, guests, sons/daughters or any employee of the Club.
  12. Slandering and/or using indecent or abusive language against a member, his spouse, sons/daughter or any employee of the Club.
  13. Indecent or indecorous behaviour within the Club premises.
  14. Drunken or disorderly conduct.
  15. Unauthorised removal of any property of the Club.
  16. Talking in loud voice causing disturbance to fellow members and guests.
  17. Smoking cigarette, pipe and cigar etc in the non-smoking zones notified by the Club.
  18. Refusal to produce smart card when demanded by Club employees on duty.
  19. Dropping ash/cigarette butts on the floor of the Club.
  1. Singing & playing instruments, radio, other music systems including smart phones with features that can cause annoyance to fellow members.
  2. Any other conduct which, in the opinion of the committee is likely to cause annoyance to members, interrupt the harmony of the Club or affect the ambience and image of the Club or endanger the stability of the Club.
  3. Parking of vehicles in the Club while not using/visiting the Club.
  4. Tipping any employee of the Club.
  5. Any other conduct which, in the opinion of the committee is likely to cause annoyance to members, interrupt the harmony of the Club or affect the character or endanger the stability of the Club.
  6. Use of laptops, explicit business discussions/meetings, carrying files, bags, documents inside the Club premises for the said purposes are prohibited.
  7. Photography is strictly prohibited in the Club premises (except for residential rooms, private parties, events, lawns, courtyard, portico & outsourced restaurants.)
  8. Dress Regulation:

(a) Members are required to observe the Club’s dress regulations at all times. They are also required to ensure that their spouse, guests, sons/daughters abide by all these regulations too. Members, their spouse, their Senior & Junior Dependants, guests, sons and daughters must be dressed in a manner considered appropriate for the Club. The Committee will announce winter dress regulations for the Dining Room, Room No.7, Men’s Bar, Sir Rajen Mookherjee Hall and Royal Coochbehar Lounge at the appropriate time of the year.

(b) For Gentlemen & Ladymembers/guests/children/Senior & Junior Dependants, the following are not permitted in the precincts of the Club:


I.Kurta with Pajama of any kind

II.Kurta with Trousers of any kind

III.Shirts with Dhoti

IV.T-Shirts/Shirts without collar and Chinese collar except for tennis

V.Shorts except for tennis and in Men’s Dressing Room/upto 11AM at the South Verandah

VI.Sneakers/sports shoes after 7 pm.

VII.Open chappals except with Dhoti

VIII.Shirts without being buttoned up

IX.Torn/Ripped/Distressed jeans

X.Gym Clothes/Track Tops & Bottoms

XI.Shirts, Other than Bush Shirt, to be tucked in

XII.Cargo Pants



II.Gym Clothes /Track Tops & Bottoms

III.Sports Shoes/ sneakers after 7 pm.

IV.Torn/Ripped/Distressed jeans

V.Any outfit that may otherwise appear to be inappropriate and/or indecent in the opinion of the Committee.


(d) Jeans (NOT TORN/RIPPED/DISTRESSED) are allowed (with formal/casual shoes but not with sports shoes/sneakers) except at the Dining Hall ( during dinner ), Room no.7,Sreemati and Men’s Bar.

Club Rules | Calcutta Club (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.