15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (2024)

Have you ever considered a single-page website but skipped the idea, thinking about how a brand fits all of its info onto just a single page?

Or, did you ever go on the fence to decide whether a single-page website will work for your business or not?

Remember, a single-page website brings a lot to the table.

If you are a freelance professional, an artist or a small business with a singular focus or just want a straightforward, compact and user-friendly website for your physical store or outlet, trust us, a one-page website will definitely be a good idea.

What’s a one-page website?

In one sentence, one-page websites are simple and concise websites that feature only one HTML page, skipping other web pages like contact us, about us or service pages.

Unlike traditional websites, in a one-page website, all the information is embedded in a single page. So, there will be no menu buttons, no dedicated contact form and no different URLs for each page. Higher engagement, faster load speed, easier maintenance, simplified layout, and cost-effective branding are some of the key benefits a standard single-page application offers.

No wonder a single-page website has become a contemporary design trend mostly embraced by individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses of varying sizes for showcasing a diverse array of content, including projects, portfolios, events, products, and more.

Now, explore with us as we delve into standout one-page website examples and see what we can pick up from them.

15 one-page website examples:

1. Dolox

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (1)

Visit Website: https://dolox.com/

Dolox, Inc. is a software design and development company. All of the information, including a brief discussion, contact information, and development process, is showcased on its one-page website.

Key design elements

  • A dynamic slideshow positioned at the page’s forefront provides insightful details about the company.
  • The use of animation as you scroll through creates an interactive user experience. Also, as the information is revealed gradually, it prevents the user from feeling overwhelmed with too much content at once.
  • Elements such as the illustration of the project development process make the complex information more digestible.
  • The right-bottom pointing emoji makes it more convenient to navigate between sections without having to scroll.

2. Plant22

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (2)

Visit Website: https://plant22.co/

Plant22’s one-page website contributes to a fast-loading, minimalistic, and user-friendly experience, avoiding unnecessary clutter and visual noise. The unconventional design of the colour-coded boxes and pop-up overlays makes the website visually interesting but also engages users with an innovative and memorable browsing experience.

Key design elements

  • The four colour-coded boxes serve as the main navigation elements on the page. Each colour helps users associate specific content or actions with each box.
  • When you click on each colour-coded box, it triggers a pop-up overlay, preventing the need to navigate to a new page or open a new tab.
  • The information is presented in a layered manner. And that users can explore different sections without disruptions.
  • Hovering the mouse over each section and content brings an animated effect that attracts the eye to important messages or CTAs.

3. Oovra

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (3)

Visit Website: https://www.oovra.io/

OOVRA is a platform or service dedicated to providing sales and support for represented artists. The Oovra website template skilfully employs images and distinct sections while embracing a clean and minimalist one-page design. This strategic approach seamlessly directs the user’s attention in the right direction.

Key design elements

  • Clean and minimalistic navigation with links to key sections (Instagram, FAQ, Apply).
  • There is a consistent visual style throughout the one-pager. The colour palette and the use of clear, readable fonts for content and eye-catching fonts for the heading resonate with the artistic theme.
  • Showcase services using a grid layout with concise descriptions.
  • Include a section with frequently asked questions and answers in an accordion format.

4. Upscale Laundromat

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (4)

Visit Website: https://www.upstatelaundromat.com/

The website employs a clean design, focusing on simplicity and ease of navigation. It strategically incorporates elements like dropdown toggle buttons for information presentation and a toggle display for FAQs to enhance the overall user experience on a single-page layout.

Key design elements

  • The header features a menu with descriptive links, such as services, amenities, FAQs, contacts and testimonials. This ensures that users can quickly find the information they are looking for without unnecessary clicks.
  • The FAQ section uses a toggle display, allowing users to expand or collapse answers as needed. This not only saves space but also enhances user engagement.
  • Testimonials are included in an engaging way, indicating a focus on building trust and credibility.

5. The Rafael

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (5)

Visit Website: https://thejulianbk.com/

Rafael is another example of a business website that embraces interactive features, seamless scrolling, and visually appealing design to deliver an engaging and effective user experience.

Key design elements

  • The top of the page features a visually appealing illustration of the building, providing an immediate and engaging visual experience for users.
  • A creative touch is added with an interactive hover effect that injects a playful element into the user experience. When users hover their cursor over the building illustration, every window lights up.
  • The menu located at the top of the screen allows you to navigate through the various sections of the page effortlessly.
  • A parallax effect is incorporated in the middle of the page, where foreground images move at different speeds, adding depth for a dynamic property site experience.

6. Café Frida

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (6)

Visit Website: https://cafefrida.ca/

If you value simplicity yet chicness in a website design, this one is a great example to inspire you. The design of the French Cafe Frida’s one-page website incorporates several elements that contribute to its chic and stylish appearance.

Key design elements

  • The colour palette is likely to be composed of sophisticated and muted tones. The colours, such as soft pastels, cream, and gold accents, create an elegant and refined atmosphere.
  • The website design prioritises easy access to the menu, formula, contact information, and other information. This could be achieved through the hamburger menu button placed at the top right section.
  • The subtle and not-so-overwhelming flower animation adds a dynamic and playful touch to the website, contributing to the overall chic vibe.
  • High-quality, professionally shot images of the cafe’s interior and dishes evoke a sense of luxury and sophistication.

7. Davide Baratta

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (7)

Visit Website: https://www.davidebaratta.com/

Davide Baratta’s portfolio website features subtle micro-interactions, elevating its depth and adding a distinctive character. The one-page website provides a pleasing user experience as visitors navigate through the content.

Key design elements

  • These are subtle animations or effects that respond to user actions. For example, when hovering over a navigation link or a button, you will see a slight colour change or a smooth transition.
  • The clean and well-organised layout, with proper use of whitespace, enhances overall readability and allows users to focus on the content.
  • The well-thought-out choice of fonts and colours contributes to the overall aesthetics of the website.

8. Béhen Bhai Book Club

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (8)

Visit Website: https://behenbhaibookclub.mshehzad.com/

The website showcases the books read by Maryam Shehzad and her brother Osama, highlighting their distinct literary tastes. As you scroll through the page, you will be drawn in by the visuals and content that include the book covers, title and Maryam and Osama’s personal comments.

Key design elements

  • The divided layout is certainly the hero feature. Clearly separates their reading preferences, making it easy for visitors to distinguish between the two.
  • The central division ensures visual contrast provides a narrative structure that invites users to explore the different paths each individual has taken in their reading adventures.
  • The colour scheme also complements the overall design and reflects the personalities of Maryam and Osama.
  • The smooth scrolling keeps the navigation smooth between sections.

9. We Ain’t Plastic

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (9)

Visit Website: https://weaintplastic.com/

The single-page website has a sleek and minimalist design, focusing on simplicity and clarity. It manages to share a lot of information without overwhelming the reader. The design cleverly tackles the task of presenting substantial content while keeping the interface clean and visually attractive.

Key design elements

  • The menu provides easy navigation to different sections of the page, including the work, profile, letter, contact and more.
  • The portfolio section is a key component, allowing users to explore various examples of their work. Each project is represented by a brief description, encouraging users to click for more details. This design choice prevents clutter on the main page.
  • There’s likely a consistent use of branding elements such as colour schemes, typography, and imagery throughout the page that create a cohesive look.
  • The content is presented in a linear fashion, making it easy for users to navigate, especially on smaller screens.

10. Ribalta

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (10)

Visit Website: https://www.ribalta.pt/

Curious about the approach restaurant websites employ for bookings on a single page? Look to Ribalta for insights on streamlining the reservation process without the need for multiple pages.

Key design elements

  • High-quality and visually pleasing photos are showcased on the website, likely featuring the restaurant’s dishes, ambience, or other relevant aspects.
  • The sticky navigation bar makes it easier to access important sections like About Us, Menu, gallery, and Contacts.
  • This one-page site includes a reservation CTA, possibly in the form of a button. Clicking on the reservation CTA, a form smoothly drops down from the top of the page.

11. Figma camp

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (11)

Visit Website: https://figmacamp.framer.website/

This one-page website, Figma Camp, designed by Raúl Marín, has many playful and engaging visual elements.

Key design elements

  • A mascot character is incorporated into the design, adding a personalized and possibly friendly touch to the website.
  • The website features a long-scrolling design, where users can scroll down to explore different sections of content.
  • The FAQ section is designed in an accordion style, which can be expanded or collapsed for ease of navigation.
  • The website supports the Spanish language, indicating localization for a specific audience.

12. JRR Tolkien

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (12)

Visit Website: https://tolkienstory.tilda.ws/

This website pays tribute to JRR Tolkien by adding visual elements such as images, quotes, or references to Tolkien’s works. As the design elements align with the storytelling theme and contribute to a cohesive user experience, it is considered a good one-page website.

Key design elements

  • The tear storytelling techniques have been used by adding pages and images that appear torn or ripped to create a unique and dynamic visual effect.
  • The super-long page provides a continuous scrolling experience. And there are animated transitions between sections.
  • The website incorporated textured background, sepia tones, and other design elements reminiscent of a specific historical period to create a vintage or tactile feel.

13. Adiem Law

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (13)

Visit Website: https://adiem.law/

The Adiem Law one-page website is envisioned to be a visually appealing, user-friendly platform with a focus on clean design, professionalism, and efficient navigation while effectively showcasing the firm’s expertise in Human Resources (HR) and Law.

Key design elements

  • This website has a layout that is divided into two central sections, creating a balanced and symmetrical design.
  • The website utilized a long-scrolling design, where visitors navigate through the content by scrolling down the page.
  • The clean, minimal design involves the use of ample whitespace that creates a sense of simplicity and clarity. This eventually enhances the overall readability and visual appeal of the site.
  • The choice of fonts is simple and remains consistent throughout the website.

14. The art of texture

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (14)

Visit Website: https://www.theartoftexture.com/

If you want to showcase a documentary or film, consider creating a concise one-page website like this.

Key design elements

  • A noticeable Play Movie button allows users to click to watch the documentary directly on the page. This triggers a video player overlay or takes users to a dedicated section.
  • There is a dedicated section showcasing information about the documentary. Also, the interactive image gallery displays artworks that are available for sale.
  • The colour scheme and imagery used reflect the theme of collage art and the documentary, creating a visually cohesive and engaging experience.

15. Type + Pixel

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (15)

Visit Website: https://www.typeandpixel.com.au/

The Type + Pixel website is a single-page website that is a good example for creative agencies because it effectively combines bold design elements, clear navigation, and creative content presentation to showcase their skills.

Key design elements

  • The use of bold typography on the website makes a statement and conveys a sense of creativity and confidence.
  • High-quality and visually striking images are employed on the website.
  • Incorporating a beautiful scrolling effect adds an interactive and dynamic element to the website. This contributes to a more engaging user experience and makes the website memorable.
  • Using creative ways to present content, such as well-designed pop-ups or reveal-on-hover animations, adds an element of surprise and keeps the user engaged.

Final words

So, if the allure of these one-pagers has sparked your creativity and you desire to embark on creating your own website, feel free to proceed. Building a one-page website is easy as long as you have access to the right tool.

Just avoid excessive use of features and ensure you give careful consideration to the colours, typography, and fundamental values that define your brand. Take the right move-your site might just earn a spot on a list like this someday.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have direct access to search results or the ability to browse the internet. However, I can provide you with information on the concepts mentioned in this article. Let's go through each concept one by one:

Single-page website:

A single-page website is a type of website that consists of only one HTML page, where all the information is embedded. Unlike traditional websites with multiple pages, a single-page website condenses all the content into a single scrollable page. This type of website is often used by individuals, freelancers, artists, and small businesses with a singular focus. Single-page websites offer benefits such as higher engagement, faster load speed, easier maintenance, simplified layout, and cost-effective branding [[1]].

Dynamic slideshow:

A dynamic slideshow is a feature used in web design to display a series of images or content in a visually appealing and interactive manner. It allows users to view different slides or images by either manually clicking through them or automatically transitioning between slides. Dynamic slideshows are often used on the forefront of a webpage to provide insightful details about a company or to showcase products, projects, or events [[1]].


Animation in web design refers to the use of moving or changing visual elements to create a more interactive and engaging user experience. It can include effects such as fading, sliding, rotating, or scaling elements on a webpage. Animation is often used to draw attention to important information, guide users through a website, or add a playful element to the design [[1]].

Colour-coded boxes:

Colour-coded boxes are a design element used to visually differentiate and categorize content on a webpage. Each box is assigned a specific color, which helps users associate the color with specific content or actions. By using color-coding, users can quickly identify and navigate to different sections or categories of information on a single-page website [[1]].

Pop-up overlays:

Pop-up overlays are interactive elements that appear on top of the main content when triggered by a user action, such as clicking on a button or a specific area. They provide additional information or functionality without navigating to a new page or opening a new tab. Pop-up overlays can be used to present more details about a specific topic, display images or videos, or collect user input [[1]].

Accordion format:

An accordion format is a way of organizing content on a webpage where information is hidden by default and can be expanded or collapsed by the user. It allows for a more compact presentation of content, especially when there is a need to display a large amount of information in a limited space. Accordion formats are often used for frequently asked questions (FAQs) or to present content in a structured and easily navigable manner [[1]].

Parallax effect:

The parallax effect is a technique used in web design where foreground and background elements move at different speeds while scrolling, creating an illusion of depth and adding a dynamic visual effect. This effect can be used to enhance the user experience and create a sense of immersion on a webpage. Parallax scrolling is often applied to images or sections of a webpage to create a more engaging and interactive design [[1]].

Hamburger menu button:

A hamburger menu button is a common design element used in responsive web design to hide the navigation menu on smaller screens. It consists of three horizontal lines stacked on top of each other, resembling a hamburger. When clicked or tapped, the hamburger menu button expands to reveal the navigation menu, allowing users to access different sections or pages of a website [[1]].


Micro-interactions are small, subtle animations or effects that respond to user actions on a webpage. They provide feedback or visual cues to users, making the user experience more engaging and interactive. Examples of micro-interactions include color changes when hovering over a button, smooth transitions when expanding or collapsing content, or subtle animations when scrolling or interacting with elements on a webpage [[1]].

Long-scrolling design:

Long-scrolling design refers to a web design technique where a webpage is designed to be longer than the viewport height, allowing users to scroll vertically to access different sections or content. Long-scrolling designs are often used in single-page websites to create a continuous scrolling experience and provide a storytelling-like flow of information. This design approach can be effective for engaging users and presenting content in a linear and immersive manner [[1]].

Play Movie button:

A Play Movie button is a design element used on websites to allow users to directly watch a video or movie on the webpage itself. When clicked, the button triggers a video player overlay or takes users to a dedicated section where the video can be played. Play Movie buttons are often used on websites that showcase films, documentaries, or video content [[1]].

These are the key concepts mentioned in this article. If you have any specific questions or need further information, feel free to ask!

15 Examples of One-Page Website Design Inspiration | WebAlive (2024)


What does a 1 page website look like? ›

A one-page website has an organized design on a single web page, with many images, multimedia, testimonials, social proof and minimal text. The long-scrolling design is one of the best website layouts, as it allows you to control the order in which visitors see your web content.

What is web page design example? ›

The Google homepage is one of the best examples of minimal web design with a clear call to action. There's distinct brand recognition with the large Google logo, a long search bar, and just two buttons. There's no other distractions.

What is single page website design? ›

So what exactly is a One Page website? A One Pager is a Single Page website with no additional pages like About, Team or Services. All the content sits within the same webpage, traditionally in a long-scrolling layout.

Are one page websites a good idea? ›

The narrow focus makes one-page websites great for generating customers, leads, and subscribers. This is why they're the number one choice for landing pages, too. It's much easier for you to keep a visitor's attention and sell them your offer without distraction.

How long should a one-page website be? ›

The general rule of thumb for content length and density ranges greatly, from a minimum of 200 to maximum of 1,000 words per page, depending on the topic complexity and objectives. The main goal of website content is getting your message across effectively and enticing your reader to take action, while being concise.

Why create a one-page website? ›

The primary advantage of a single page website is that users can learn about your company or website without having to navigate. Sometimes, having too many pages on your website can overwhelm the user. They're not so easy to browse, and it can take a long time to find exactly what you're looking for.

What are the 3 types of web design? ›

The three most common types of web design are static web design, dynamic web design, and eCommerce web design.

What is an example of a design? ›

Typical examples of designs include architectural and engineering drawings, circuit diagrams, sewing patterns, and less tangible artefacts such as business process models.

What are basic rules of web page design? ›

11 rules to follow when designing a website
  • Have a purpose. ...
  • Know your users. ...
  • Create a smooth user journey. ...
  • Keep it simple. ...
  • Be consistent. ...
  • Prioritize visual hierarchy. ...
  • Publish quality content. ...
  • Design for multiple devices.
May 27, 2022

Can you have a 1 page website? ›

A one-page website is great if you want a simple website that's focused on images, which is why it's the format of choice for portfolios, event pages, or even online restaurant menus. A one-page site is also easier to navigate as it increases user engagement, making it ideal for internal corporate communication pages.

What is an example of a single-page application design? ›

You'll easily recognize some popular examples of single page applications like Gmail, Google Maps, Airbnb, Netflix, Pinterest, Paypal, and many more. Companies all over the internet are using SPAs to build a fluid, scalable experience.

What is an example of a single page web application? ›

Examples of single-page applications

Here are just a few clear examples of SPAs: Gmail. Users do not need to refresh the inbox page to receive new email messages. The SPA that runs Gmail, along with Google Calendar and Drive, automatically presents new content as it is received from the server.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a one page website? ›

Improve user engagement

By condensing all of the most important information onto one page you may be able to retain the interest of fickle visitors more easily than if your website was made up of multiple pages. Of course, simply cramming everything onto one page won't benefit user engagement if it's not designed well.

Is Wix a one page website? ›

Wix offers many one-page templates that you can use. To get started, hover over any of our templates here and click Edit.

How do I know if a website is single page? ›

A good trick to check if a website is using a single page framework or a multi page framework is to go to a page on the website and click a link to another page on the same website. If you see the spinner on your browser start loading, and a new page opens it means it's a multi page application.

What is the difference between a landing page and a one-page website? ›

Focus: Landing pages are laser-focused, stripping away distractions, whereas websites offer a broad range of information and functionalities. While landing pages are the tactical maestros of conversion, websites are the versatile foundations where the complete story of your brand unfolds.

Is Wix a one-page website? ›

Wix offers many one-page templates that you can use. To get started, hover over any of our templates here and click Edit.


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Job: Central Legal Facilitator

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.