10 Office Interior Design Trends for 2023 - Blog by Rap Interiors (2024)

10 Office Interior Design Trends for 2023 - Blog by Rap Interiors (1)https://www.rapinteriors.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/A-high-end-office-design-by-Rap-Interiors-750x380.jpgOffice design trend for 2023: a heightened office experience that puts employees first

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With the world still adjusting to post-pandemic life, we’ve seen plenty of activity in the office interior design world over the past year. Based on what we’ve seen, the pandemic has accelerated many existing office design trends, while others represent cutting-edge innovation that will undoubtedly make their way into more spaces throughout 2023.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the office design trends that look set to pick up pace in 2023. From office environments that cater to a flexible workforce to smart technology, let’s get into it!

Here are our top 10 office interior design trends for 2023 …

Office Space Design for Hybrid and Flexible Working

The global pandemic has continued to have a big impact on the way we work, with many companies maintaining a “hybrid” approach that supports a blend of in-office and remote work. In a recent survey by CIPD, 51% of the participants said they have flexible working arrangements in their current role, while 37% of businesses have seen an increase in requests for flexible working.

For businesses that will change to hybrid working in 2023, the challenge will be optimise the dead space left by the remote employees. Those who have already made the change typically do so by offering a wide range of furniture and work zones to facilitate specific tasks. This makes good use of the available space and offers elements that the home office cannot, such as pods for deep work and collaboration areas.

For more hybrid office ideas, read our blog: How to Set up Your Hybrid Office Space.

Picture credit: Meavo

A Heightened Office Experience

In a post-lockdown world, businesses are placing greater importance on offering a “heightened” office experience for employees. The aim is to create a space where employees want to spend their time by offering an optimised working experience.

Companies that embrace this approach do not just look at the office in terms of basic work areas and amenities. Rather, they think outside the box, considering every aspect of the design to lure employees to the office.

Take Google’s new Kings Cross office as a prime example: the building will reportedly be home to an indoor basketball court, a 25-metre swimming pool, and massage rooms. Further to this, the tech giant has recently announced that the ground floor space will include more than 250 metres of shop fronts and flexible space for events and community use.

Each year, office design enthusiasts descend upon Clerkenwell Design Week in London to eye up the latest furniture. As always, 2022’s exhibition did not disappoint, with plenty of innovative furniture on show that will undoubtedly be making its way into offices in 2023.

One key takeaway from Clerkenwell 2022 was that many of the furniture items served two purposes. For example, German manufacturer Wilkhahn displayed its hybrid flip table/whiteboard model, which teams can set up for workshops, meetings, and any kind of group work. Another highlight was Mobili’s “Box” storage and display unit, which looks perfect in a contemporary setting with its sleek black framework.

For more Clerkenwell Design Week highlights, check out our blog here: Clerkenwell Design Week 2022 Highlights.

During lockdown, different groups of employees had different experiences depending on their race, gender, age and ability. With a spotlight on inequalities, many companies are now addressing the unique needs of employees from a variety of backgrounds.

This is arguably the most important office design trend for 2023, and here are some of the things you can do to introduce to embrace diversity:

  • Private Spaces for Quiet – Neurodiversity means that the human brain does not come in a one-size-fits-all form, which is why it’s important to create spaces for all types. For example, some workers are often over-stimulated by their environment (triggers include noise, lighting etc.), so implementing private spaces for them boosts workplace diversity.
  • Assistive Technology – According to World Health Organisation, around one billion employees need assistive workplace technology. This can include wheelchair ramps and lifts, screen readers and magnifiers, and adjustable sit-stand desks.
  • Respect for Religious Beliefs – Another way to assist workplace diversity is to cater to the religious beliefs of employees. For example, those of the Muslim faith tend to pray up to five times a day, so providing quiet rooms will allow them to do this privately within the workplace.

Ultimately, it is important to engage with all employees during the office design process, as this will lead to inclusive solutions that improve the working environment for everyone.

Related content: Are You Doing Enough to Facilitate Deep Work?

Human-Centric Design for Wellbeing

Human-centric office design aims to satisfy the professional needs of employees while prioritising their wellbeing. With the pandemic creating a new set of requirements, every element is designed with people in mind, from the furniture to the layout to the aesthetic elements.

In 2023, expect to see more companies introducing new facilities that boost employee wellness. These may include amenities and social spaces, wellness studios, access to outdoor spaces, natural ventilation, bicycle parking spaces, gaming areas and biophilic elements to instil a sense of calm.

For more wellbeing inspiration, take a look at our blog: 6 Ways to Improve Staff Mental Health Through Office Design.

Connecting Humans with Nature

If you take a walk in a leafy country park on the weekend, it’s likely you will come home feeling calmer and happier. Humans have an innate attraction to nature, so introducing biophilic elements aims to reduce stress, aid mental recuperation and create positive connections between employees and the spaces they use.

Beyond buying a few plants, there are plenty of ways to outside-the-box ways introduce biophilic elements to office. For example, Square Mile Farms creates modular “plug and play” living walls that grow edible plants (as seen at the 2021 Workplace Design Show). Given that they connect people with nature and provide a healthy snack, these are ideal for supporting wellbeing and look great when combined with natural finishes.

Natural elements are also important for companies with carbon aspirations, as greenery helps to instil an eco-friendly ethos through office design. If you’re passionate about sustainability, then make sure you also find a responsible workplace design and build company with a green agenda. A good d&b company will give guidance on eco-friendly elements like lighting and flooring, source materials and furniture from supply chains with green accreditations, and utilise local labour to reduce fuel consumption.

Smart technology can help to guide our behaviour, make our lives easier and even improve health. From smartphones to tablets to fitbit watches, we have a vast array of technological luxuries to choose from.

These days, tech-savvy businesses are also embracing tech and artificial intelligence to improve their workplace operations. For example, Bloomberg’s ultra-sustainable City-based HQ features sensors that adjust natural airflow according to staffing levels. Over in Whitechapel, Hickman has developed its own smartphone platform that includes contactless access control and a “social wall” for communicating with colleagues.

The advent of the smart office is particularly good news for coworking operators and companies adopting hybrid working. With digital visitor management systems, people can access external PAs, find their way around with visitor wayfinding maps, books rooms and desks, and much more.

Looking for coworking design ideas? Check out our coworking office ideas blog for inspiration here.

With more companies putting employees first, there is a growing trend for creating wellbeing spaces across entire floors. In addition to providing employees with a place to eat and reboot, wellbeing floors double up as an alternative place to work independently with a laptop and collaborate.

For example, Sussex-based Classic Collection created a spectacular breakout space on the ground floor of its office building. The stunning area contains coffee-shop style banquet seating with integrated power, a lounge with modular furniture, and an auditorium for presentations.

Kent-based tea producer Blends for Friends used a similar design, using its ground floor to build a breakout space / cafe for employees and buyers. Like Classic Collection, the space contains a range of furniture for both dining and working, including a Wagamama-style bench and an inviting deli bar.

Addressing the Ageing Employee

With the cost-of-living crisis and an increase in the age when people can claim their state pension, older workers are likely to remain in the workforce longer. In fact, the baby boomer generation is still key part of workplace, which is why this makes it into our office design trends 2023 list.

According to research, older workers would like to see inclusive design that improves the workplace for everyone rather than adaptations that draw attention to the physical signs of ageing. These inclusive elements may include ergonomic desks and chairs that will also benefit younger employees in the long run.

Furthermore, addressing the needs of older employees is a good way to embrace diversity. Every member of the team will have different needs, including those who are older, so this needs to be carefully considered during the design stage.

According to Starmind, knowledge sharing reduces repeated mistakes, helps employees make better decisions and increases productivity by 10-40%. Therefore, it makes sense to encourage skill sharing by making it part of the company culture.

There are many ways to do this through office interior design. For example, you could introduce bleacher seating along with a portable or suspended presentation screen, provide mobile modular seating for employees to easily move around and team up with others, or simply provide a private meeting room with a digital booking system.

Skill sharing is particularly important for hybrid workers, with research showing that 95% of employees would come into work for collaboration alone. Given the statistics, expect to see skill sharing facilities on the rise too as hybrid grows in popularity in 2023.

Thank You for Reading Our Office Design Trends 2023 Blog

While there is plenty going on in the office interior design world, it seems like the overarching theme is “power to the people”. With a host of wellbeing trends and an emphasis on inclusivity, employees are being put first. Arguably, offices have never been so people-centric, and that can only be a good thing!

Are You Considering an Office Refurbishment?

If our office interior design trends 2023 blog has inspired you to make changes to your space, then we’d love to help. With over 30 years’ experience transforming workspaces across London and the UK, the Rap Interiors team offers exceptional expertise that results in positive changes for employees and businesses alike.

Whether you need a new layout to facilitate hybrid working, a biophilia-inspired design scheme or some new tech to improve operations, our workplace design and build team will guide you on the best solutions for your space.

To book a design consultation, please fill out the enquiry form below or call 0333 600 1234.

As an expert and enthusiast, I don't have personal experiences or the ability to browse the internet in real-time. However, I have been trained on a diverse range of data, including articles, books, and websites, allowing me to provide information and generate responses on a wide range of topics.

Regarding the office design trends mentioned in this article, I can provide a general overview and information about each concept discussed.

Office Space Design for Hybrid and Flexible Working

The article emphasizes the increasing popularity of hybrid work arrangements, where employees have the flexibility to work both in the office and remotely. To optimize the use of space in hybrid workplaces, companies are incorporating various furniture and work zones that cater to specific tasks. This includes providing areas for collaboration, deep work, and other activities that may not be easily replicated in a home office environment.

A Heightened Office Experience

In a post-pandemic world, companies are focusing on creating office spaces that offer a heightened experience for employees. This goes beyond traditional work areas and amenities and includes innovative designs that make the office an attractive place to spend time. Examples mentioned in the article include incorporating recreational facilities like indoor basketball courts and swimming pools, as well as flexible spaces for events and community use.

Human-Centric Design for Wellbeing

Human-centric office design aims to prioritize employee wellbeing while meeting their professional needs. This approach takes into consideration the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of employees and incorporates elements such as comfortable furniture, access to natural light, outdoor spaces, and amenities that promote wellness. The goal is to create a work environment that supports employee health and happiness.

Connecting Humans with Nature

Biophilic design focuses on incorporating natural elements into the office environment to create a connection with nature. This can include features such as plants, living walls, natural materials, and views of outdoor spaces. Biophilic design has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase productivity and creativity.

Smart Technology in the Workplace

The use of smart technology in the workplace is becoming more prevalent. This includes the integration of sensors, automation, and artificial intelligence to improve various aspects of office operations. Examples mentioned in the article include adjusting natural airflow based on staffing levels, smartphone platforms for access control and communication, and digital visitor management systems.

Addressing Diversity and Inclusion

Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of addressing the unique needs of employees from diverse backgrounds. This includes creating private spaces for quiet work to accommodate neurodiversity, providing assistive technology for employees with disabilities, and respecting religious beliefs by offering dedicated spaces for prayer or reflection. Inclusive office design involves engaging with employees during the design process to ensure that the workspace meets the needs of all individuals.

Skill Sharing and Collaboration Spaces

Encouraging skill sharing and collaboration among employees is another important trend in office design. This can be facilitated through the design of spaces such as bleacher seating for presentations, mobile modular seating for flexibility, or private meeting rooms with digital booking systems. Skill sharing is particularly relevant for hybrid workers who value in-person collaboration.

These are just some of the key concepts discussed in the article. If you have specific questions or would like more information on any of these trends, feel free to ask!

10 Office Interior Design Trends for 2023 - Blog by Rap Interiors (2024)


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