10 of the Best Videos Cats Watch In 2020 » Cat Care Solutions (2024)

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Oh it’s so sad – the life of a cat lived without purpose! 😁 Thankfully, you have me here at Cat Care Solutions to bring you the most favorite videos cats watch!

In between napping, demanding, eating and demanding some more – these videos for cats are sure to entertain your feline for hours on end! It just might entertain you too!

Quick disclaimer: I can not be held legally responsible for any mayhem and foolishness that may result in the breakage of electronic devices or other valuables in your home. 😹 Thank you!

10 of the Best Videos Cats Watch In 2020 » Cat Care Solutions (1)

Table of Contents

Videos for Cats? Is that crazy?

Although we know cats see and hear differently than we do, they still can’t resist quick bursts of motion and certain sounds.

I’m sure you’ve noticed how certain TV shows or favorite songs affect you. You often find them either calming or energizing, right? Our cats feel the same way!

Situations where videos for cats might help are:

♥ Bored indoor cats

♥ A need to increase their physical activity level by activating hunting instinct

♥ Nursing a sick cat back to health with soothing sounds

♥ Helping them feel less lonely while you’re away

♥ …. or you’re bored and love watching them be so entertaining! 🙂

Whatever the reason you’re considering playing videos for your cat; here are some of the best videos cats watch and absolutely love. Enjoy!

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Top 10 Best Videos Cats Gladly Watch Over & Over Again

10 of the Best Videos Cats Watch In 2020 » Cat Care Solutions (2)

1 – Live Wildlife Stream 24/7: Bird Watching HQ

When it comes to videos cats watch – what could be better than never-ending entertainment?

Recently, I was contacted by a gentleman named Scott who kindly sent me a link to his amazing live feeds. Regardless of day or time, these wildlife cameras are on and broadcasting. Your cat will never be lonely!

I think you are really going to love this one! It’s not just for our cats to enjoy. If you love nature and find watching birds and other creatures peaceful, take a look at this.

This is one of 3 available streams (at present) for you to enjoy. Click below to see the other live feed options available…

2 – Floating Fishies Cat Game

If you don’t mind your cat pawing at your tablet screen – I’m betting this will be an instant hit! For 1 hour, you and your feline will be highly entertained!

3 – The Ultimate Movie for Cats

Our Dizzy keeps trying to figure out where all the birds go so fast! At 3 hours long, I’m thinking this calls for a cat nap! 😉

4 – The Woodland Adventure

I love Relax My Cat. They created music cats find calming. I’ve been amazed at how well certain sounds really do soothe the beast in our Dizzy!

Here’s how they describe this video:

Filmed with HD quality this entrancing footage of woodland birds and rodents is guaranteed to keep your cat free from anxiety, depression, stress and separation anxiety! Paired with the MOST relaxing music to the feline ear – this video is a guaranteed hit.

5 – Crazy String Cat Game!

This is a lot of fun! A wild string taunts your feline for 2 hours! How fast is your cat?? You’re about to find out!

6 – Sing a Sweet Song!

This is such a relaxing video! The sweet sounds of the birds singing and going about their day is really something special. My bet is you will have a very loyal watching partner if you pick this one! 🐱

7 – Lucky Feral Cats at Play!

Lucky Ferals has captured cats doing what they do best – mostly whatever they want! 😀 This video shows cats playing, darting, lounging and just plain being cute!!

8 – Traveling Bird Feeder

Some of the cutest squirrels and birds you’ve ever seen enjoying a buffet of oh so delicious snacks!

9 – 2 Hours of Stunning Coral Reef Footage

As a cat parent, there’s no way you could come away from this video and not feel extremely relaxed! It is very soothing.

As a cat, there’s all sorts of excitement to enjoy! It’s a win win for us both!

10 – Cat TV – Ducks, Birds and Mice! Oh my!

Cat mom or dad – if you don’t like mice – you might want to skip this one! 😀 For your cat on the other hand – this is prime time TV!

DVD Videos for Cats

Not a fan of YouTube or know someone who isn’t that loves cats? I completely understand! Thankfully, you can still take the joys of free cat sitting offline too.

Below are my personal favorite DVDs for cats. My favorite of these 4? It would have to be “Cat Dreams” by GoCat. 🙂

As an Amazon affiliate, if you click on one of these links, I will make a small commission if you decide to buy. Thank you!

Lots of Cattastic Fun!

Seeing our cats glued to the screen, captivated by every movement, is a lot of fun to watch.

Have you played any videos for yours? What was the reaction? Is there a favorite video? I’d love to hear your thoughts, as always!

Thank you for sharing this post with your #catlover friends!

Love & Purrs,

10 of the Best Videos Cats Watch In 2020 » Cat Care Solutions (3)

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10 of the Best Videos Cats Watch In 2020 » Cat Care Solutions (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.