10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (2024)

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (1)

As an interior designer, the best way to display your work is by inviting viewers into the spaces you’ve crafted, allowing them to take in the lighting, textures, scale, and ambience. But for the times that you can’t show your work in person, it’s important to have a professional online portfolio. This lets viewers immerse themselves in your work, delving deep into your designs from the comfort of their homes.

When creating your own professional portfolio, browse through interior design portfolio templates. Each of these portfolio templates serves as a fully customizable starting point, or can simply be used to generate ideas. For more website design inspiration - and some dazzling eye-candy - we’ve handpicked 10 interior design portfolio examples below, to help you understand better how to make a website with Wix. Towards the end of the article you’ll find additional tips for showcasing your work online at its very best.

10 interior design portfolio examples

  1. Studio Adjective

  2. Anchor + Hill

  3. Design w Care

  4. T Sakhi

  5. Mutuus Studio

  6. Nildo José

  7. Amanda Shields Interiors

  8. Dean Works

  9. Maayan Zusman

Award-winning Studio Adjective creates interior spaces and furniture pieces. Operating from Hong Kong, the studio’s works have been featured in esteemed graphic design magazines, as is evident in an impressive display of logos on their site’s ‘Press’ page.

Upon entering this online portfolio, visitors are greeted by a slideshow of sleek photographs of the studio’s projects. Each of the images leads to the relevant project page, where we can find further imagery and text about the work.

The written copy includes background information and links to media features, as well as credit to the photographers who took the images. Acknowledging the work of everyone involved in the execution of a project is an important design portfolio tip, because it highlights the team behind each work.

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (2)

02. Anchor + Hill

This Canadian design firm specializes in modern, minimalist interior design. Their website is quick to state their name and specialty on the top fold so that visitors know immediately what to expect.

The website’s navigation is made up of two menus. The first menu is at the website’s header, including the firm’s logo, and the second is a sidebar menu with social media links.

The website also includes the firm’s professional Pinterest feed embedded into the page. This allows site visitors to discover not only the studio’s designs, but also the sources of inspiration behind them.

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (3)

Based in New York City and founded by interior designer Laura Baross, Design w Care places an emphasis on sustainability, environmentalism and low waste in all its works. A perfect fit for the studio’s eco-friendly agenda is the website’s color palette of neutral, earthy tones.

The first fold of the website invites visitors to an online eCommerce website, offering vintage home decor items. Lower down on the homepage we find a mission statement that clearly introduces the brand’s values through the use of icons.

This interior design portfolio also includes a blog, where the studio shares from their professional expertise - from different work processes to sustainability tips.

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (4)

This architecture and design studio was co-founded by two sisters. Their website includes photos of the duo, Tessa and Tara, and shares a bit of their personal story. These practices help build a personal brand and foster a more authentic connection with its creators.

The studio’s ‘Contact’ page offers different methods for clients and fans to get in touch, be it by leaving a message, subscribing to the studio’s newsletter, or following the studio on Instagram.

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (5)

Mutuus is a Seattle-based interdisciplinary studio, whose work ranges from architecture to interior and product design. Their website encompasses this wide range of work with designated pages for different fields, and even for cultural events held at or by the studio.

The bottom part of the website includes a footer that shows up on all pages, with contact information and social media links so that site visitors can keep in touch with the studio.

One of the best portfolio websites, the site of this Brazilian architecture firm splits all of their content into just three categories: ‘About,’ ‘Projects,’ and ‘Contact.’ Minimizing the number of page categories can improve a website’s user experience, making its structure more straightforward. Additionally, it creates a portfolio website that’s easy to maintain, as getting back to the website for future changes and revisions becomes much simpler.

The ‘About’ page introduces both the firm’s founder, Nildo José, and vision. It also familiarizes visitors with the firm’s complete team of architects, mentioning each by name and in a professional-looking group photo.

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (7)

Entering the interior design portfolio of Canadian designer Amanda Shields feels like stepping into a cozy, beautifully-lit living room. We’re welcomed with a photo of one of her projects that fills the screen almost entirely except for a white header.

The header features Amanda’s logo, clearly presenting her name and specialty. The logo is then repeated throughout the website in its abbreviated lettermark version. This versatile type of logo helps serve different needs, depending on the context in which it is used.

The portfolio also details Amanda’s different services, with billing and plan options for each one. This practice can help potential customers get a clear sense of the services that they’re looking for early on.

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (8)

This architecture and interior design portfolio creates a light and hip vibe, starting with the choice of a seventies-inspired font, down to the photo of a happy dog in a marble kitchen.

In each of the project pages, potential clients can browse through a photo slideshow so as to fully appreciate the scope of the work. These images are accompanied by short case studies. These explain the story behind the project, with links to relevant press coverage, and credit all other creatives involved.

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (9)

Contemporary interior and furniture design studio Craft & Bloom, operating from Tel Aviv, carries the same minimalist aesthetic of its works over onto its website. Their homepage is airy and clean, featuring only the studio’s logo design, a succinct explanation of their vision, and a single photo to set the mood.

The studio’s diverse projects, from the design of a vegan restaurant to a secluded cabin in the woods, are displayed in a gallery of thumbnails, which then open up into individual project pages. There, the photographs of the uniquely designed interiors take center stage, with ample amounts of white space surrounding them.

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (10)

The homepage on this interior design portfolio boasts a single fullscreen photo of one of the studio’s projects. It’s predominantly white, but dotted in black both in the photo and in the logo, text and icons around the corners of the screen, resulting in a balanced design.

Maayan Zusman’s ‘Contact’ page is designed in a similar style. Here, site visitors can get in touch via a contact form or additional contact info. This page, too, features a fullscreen image background. Here, it’s a hyper stylish desk set in front of large curtains that softly let in the light.

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (11)

Interior design portfolio tips

A creative portfolio is a showcase of your work, vision and expertise meant for potential clients, managers, and collaborators. It’s therefore paramount to put your best foot forward and get it right.

Now that you’ve browsed top interior design portfolio examples, we recommend peeking into other types of art portfolios as well, such as illustration portfolios or animation portfolios, for some more ideas. Our top insights for creating an interior design portfolio can also help:

  • Make it visual: Show off your work in high resolution images. Combine professional photoshoots of your projects with additional visual materials to enhance the understanding of your designs. These could be anything from a mood board to a hand-drawn sketch, before-and-after shots, or a 3D rendering of the space.

  • Tell the full story: Clue site visitors in on the backstory behind your designs by writing short case studies. Mention the location, brief, dates, and any other information that can be relevant or that makes the project unique. Credit any collaborators who took part in the project, or the photographers who shot the images.

  • Detail your services and offer online bookings: Whether you operate as a freelance designer or have a detailed interior design business plan, make sure to elaborate on your different package plans and clearly mention pricing for everything from consultation to home styling to space planning. You can also encourage site visitors to book your services directly on your site by setting up an online booking system, which works for different types of websites.

  • Include testimonials, press and awards: People are more inclined to form a positive opinion of your services if they know that others think highly of it. Share clients’ positive experiences of working with you, and add any press coverage or awards that you may have received.

  • Introduce yourself: While making an online design portfolio is first and foremost about the work, getting to know the person or people behind it is no less important. Share a bit of your professional background, experience and education, and the values or principles that guide you in your designs. Include a photo of yourself or your team, and add in contact details and social media links.

Looking for more portfolio design inspiration? From industrial design portfolios to art and design portfolio examples - Wix has you covered.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an interior design enthusiast with a deep understanding of the concepts discussed in this article, I can offer you valuable insights and information. Let's dive into the key concepts mentioned in the article and explore them further.

Professional Online Portfolio:

A professional online portfolio is an essential tool for interior designers to showcase their work to potential clients. It allows viewers to immerse themselves in the designer's projects, exploring the lighting, textures, scale, and ambience from the comfort of their homes. The article suggests using interior design portfolio templates as a starting point for creating your own portfolio. These templates can be fully customized or used for generating ideas [[1]].

Interior Design Portfolio Examples:

The article features 10 interior design portfolio examples to provide inspiration and demonstrate effective website design. Let's briefly discuss a few of these examples:

  1. Studio Adjective: This award-winning studio from Hong Kong showcases its interior spaces and furniture pieces through sleek photographs. Each image leads to a project page with further imagery and text, including background information, media features, and credits to photographers [[1]].

  2. Anchor + Hill: This Canadian design firm specializes in modern, minimalist interior design. Their website features a clear presentation of their name and specialty, with two menus for easy navigation. They also embed their professional Pinterest feed to showcase sources of inspiration [[1]].

  3. Design w Care: Based in New York City, Design w Care focuses on sustainability and environmentalism. Their website reflects their eco-friendly agenda through a color palette of neutral, earthy tones. They also offer an online eCommerce section for vintage home decor items and maintain a blog to share professional expertise and sustainability tips [[1]].

  4. T Sakhi: This architecture and design studio, co-founded by two sisters, emphasizes building a personal brand and fostering an authentic connection. Their website includes photos of the founders, a contact page with various methods for engagement, and links to their Instagram account [[1]].

These are just a few examples from the article, but each portfolio showcases unique elements and design choices that reflect the brand and style of the interior designers.

Interior Design Portfolio Tips:

The article also provides some valuable tips for creating an effective interior design portfolio. Let's explore a few of these tips:

  1. Make it visual: Showcase your work through high-resolution images, combining professional photoshoots with additional visual materials like mood boards, hand-drawn sketches, before-and-after shots, or 3D renderings. These visuals enhance the understanding of your designs [[1]].

  2. Tell the full story: Provide short case studies that give site visitors insight into the backstory behind your designs. Include information such as location, brief, dates, and any unique aspects of the project. Credit collaborators and photographers involved in the project [[1]].

  3. Detail your services and offer online bookings: Elaborate on your different package plans and clearly mention pricing for various services, from consultation to home styling to space planning. Consider setting up an online booking system to allow visitors to book your services directly on your website [[1]].

  4. Include testimonials, press, and awards: Share positive client experiences, press coverage, and any awards you have received. This helps build credibility and trust in your services [[1]].

  5. Introduce yourself: While the focus is on your work, it's important to let visitors get to know the person or team behind the portfolio. Share your professional background, experience, education, values, and principles that guide your designs. Include a photo of yourself or your team, along with contact details and social media links [[1]].

These tips will help you create a compelling and informative interior design portfolio that effectively showcases your work and attracts potential clients.

I hope this information helps you understand the concepts discussed in the article and provides valuable insights for creating your own professional online portfolio. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, feel free to ask!

10 Interior Design Portfolio Examples (Plus Pro Tips) (2024)


What should I include in my interior design portfolio? ›

As a benchmark requirement, an interior design portfolio should include photographs of finished projects or renderings that show off your design chops. Therefore, including actual photos of completed projects is a good idea.

How many projects should be in an interior design portfolio? ›

Less is more. You may be tempted to include bits and pieces of everything you've ever worked on, but when it comes to interior design portfolios, you'll only want to include the best, most recent, and most representative of your projects. A good general rule is to include 5 to 7 of your projects.

How do I make an amazing design portfolio? ›

Do showcase only your most brilliant, riveting designs in your portfolio. Demonstrate the breadth of your experience by including a variety of samples. Don't include designs you're not extremely proud of. Your portfolio is an art exhibit, not a place to dump images.

How many examples should be in design portfolio? ›

You should aim to include at least three projects in your portfolio, but ideally around five to show some variety in your work. But don't go too far! Add too many examples of your work and it might be a little overwhelming for recruiters, who don't have much time.

How do I make my interior design portfolio stand out? ›

The most effective interior design portfolios favour showing others what you do instead of just telling them. It is dominated by compelling visuals such as photographs, 3D images, drawings and videos of completed projects. A strong portfolio emphasises visuals of completed work especially if your portfolio is online.

How long should interior design portfolio be? ›

Ideally, you want a portfolio with 10 pages. Some people recommend 8 ½” by 11”; I prefer a little larger because it gives you more real estate to showcase your strengths. You will want to include a cover page, a table of contents/introduction page, and the final page is your resume. That leaves you with seven pages.

What is the 60 40 rule in interior design? ›

The golden ratio helps achieve a balanced room layout by assessing the floor space covered by furniture. Striking the right balance means that nearly 60% of your room will have furniture on it, with 40% being clear.

What does a professional interior design portfolio look like? ›

The main draw of your portfolio will be the photographs of finished projects, but you may also want to include design concepts, mood boards, renderings, layouts, and other documents in your portfolio that show how you came to each final product.

How many hours does an interior design project take? ›

Residential projects may take a few weeks to several months, depending on whether the work involves a single room or the entire home. Commercial projects typically span a few months to over a year, especially for large-scale corporate spaces, retail outlets, or restaurants.

How do you make a killer portfolio? ›

10 tips for a killer design portfolio
  1. All killer, no filler. This should really be common sense, but you'd be surprised how often it isn't followed. ...
  2. Start and end with key pieces. ...
  3. Leave them wanting more. ...
  4. Get an online portfolio. ...
  5. Let the work speak for itself. ...
  6. Curate for the job you want. ...
  7. Self initiated work. ...
  8. Show your working.
Aug 23, 2022

What makes a strong design portfolio? ›

Design portfolios need to focus on one goal: sell the designer. The opportunity to make an impression, convey a compelling personal brand, and exhibit the designer's unique style may only last a few seconds. Too often, many design portfolios disappoint because they are uninspiring, misguided, and indecipherable.

What should a portfolio look like? ›

Depending on your profession, your portfolio should include a wide variety of writing samples, photographs, images, project summaries or reports. If you don't have professional experience, consider using work from school, club or volunteer projects. Provide any available feedback with your samples if available.

What is the best format for a design portfolio? ›

The best practice is to find two formats and stick to them. Having a website portfolio is best for exposure and interaction, and having a PDF or print portfolio showcase your layout, composition, and typography skills.

How many pieces should I put in my portfolio? ›

Your portfolio should be a selection of your best 12 to 20 pieces of art. Fewer than 12 doesn't allow you to show the breadth of your skills; more than 20 may dilute your overall portfolio submission.

What is design portfolio format? ›

A graphic design portfolio is a visual collection of your work, showcasing what you have achieved thus far and what you hope to accomplish in the future. As a graphic designer, a portfolio is vital to displaying your talents to potential clients (especially as a freelance graphic designer).

Do you need a portfolio for fit interior design? ›

FIT has a 51% chance of admission; Parsons School of Design has a 31% chance of admission. For FIT you'll need a portfolio with 12-15 pieces of your strongest and most current work; at Parsons you'll need eight to twelve images.

Do you need a portfolio to apply for interior design? ›

Some interior design course requirements include resumes and portfolios (usually at a graduate studies level) to demonstrate your design qualifications. However, you might also have to submit a portfolio no matter what program you apply for.

Do you need a portfolio for interior design college? ›

Is a portfolio required? Applicants must meet minimum major-specific requirements and all general transfer admission requirements. A portfolio is no longer required for Transfer Students.

How many pages should design portfolio be? ›

A graphic designer's portfolio may be completely different from an architect's or an interior designer's. For instance, one piece of advice that floats around in the graphic design world is that a professional portfolio should be no more than 20-30 pages.


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.